The Fosters is an American family drama television series created by Peter Paige and Bradley Bredeweg which first premiered in the United States on June 3, 2013 on the Freeform (previously named ABC Family) television network. It follows the lives of the Foster family led by lesbian couple Stef and Lena, a cop and a school vice principal respectively, who raise a multi-ethnic blended family that consists of one biological and four adopted children in San Diego, California.
The first season of The Fosters received generally favorable reviews from critics and also garnered particular acclaim for its portrayal of LGBT themes. It also earned two GLAAD Media Awards and one Teen Choice Award.
Stef, a dedicated police officer, is in a relationship with Lena. The two have built a close-knit family with Stef's biological son, Brandon, and adopted twins, Mariana and Jesus. When Lena meets Callie -- hardened from being in and out of foster homes -- the couple welcome her into their home, thinking it is temporary. Callie's blunt commentary about the atypical family hits a nerve with the twins, who struggle with their own identities. Then the girl discovers a secret that could land Mariana in trouble. Brandon helps Callie navigate the social scene at high school, but she skips school to meet up with an old friend. Her behavior makes Stef and Lena second-guess their decision to help her.
Those TV Series
Non-FictionYou know those tv series you loved and those you loved enough that ended up being canceled for more seasons. Which made you mad, and wishing it had been renewed for more seasons, maybe because of the plot, characters, celebrities starring in the sho...