- "you brought another girl home?"
- "yeah, you get to bring guys home too"
- grocery shopping together.
- spending most of your days together.
- "don't you have any other friends" "but you're my favorite one"
- coming home to the place being a mess after leaving for the weekend.
- parties, so many parties.
- seeing the boys more than you would like to.
- Him seeing you naked on accident and on purpose, more on purpose.
- sleeping in each other's beds because "you heard something outside"
- being cuddle buddies
- no one seeing either of you for days because you wanted to be with each other.
- "is that a boner" "no..." "I can feel it in my butt dillon"
- sharing a lot with each other.
- family visits with each other.
- not approving of who the other is dating.
- "he's not good enough for you"
- drunk accidental sex...
- sex on purpose...
- falling in love with each other without realizing...
This is so cute..

❃Freshlee Interracial imagines and Preferences❃
Fanfiction☆She's dripping melanin and honey☆