I grabbed a thin robe to cover myself up before I had to go back up again.Finding a job wasn't so easy for me after school ended. I need some kind of money to get by until I get something better.
I sat in front of the mirror with my hair tied up counting the n dollar bills.
"Hey Y/F/N you're back on for a lap dance for a private party." (Your fake name)
I nodded and walked over to the shoe rack to change my heels. I laid down the stacked under all my stuff that was in the far corner.
I walked out into the room. It was filled with smoke and it was dimly lit.
Lights flashed around and one landes on me. All the guys turned and looked straight at me.
One caught my eye. He was turned the other way a joint in his hand.
He took a long drag before smiling and turning around. "Hey baby. Come over here" I walked over slowly every step my heart beating faster.
He patted his lap "So how good are your lap dances. Are they worth hundreds?" I leaned Don straddling his waist. "Oh they are worth more than that baby boy"
I stood up my back facing him. I pulled on the robe string and let it fall to the ground.
I backed up and sat on his lap. I started moving my hips around sliding down his lap. I bent over and before I turned around I felt a sharp slap on my ass.
"No, no, no. No touching" I put his hands behind his back and grabbed hand cuffs from beside me.
I continued to dance to the music that was playing in the background.
"So how bout you let me out of these and let me see how you work that pole?" I agreed with him and uncuffed him.
I walked over to the pole and swung around a few time before getting down low.
I felt dollar bills fall down my back and.
I was finally done with the lap dance and now I was changed and ready to go home. "Hey. I never got your name" I saw that dude from earlier tonight."I can't give that kind of info out."
"Why not? It's not like I would tell"
"You never know what anyone could do anymore. If you wanna see me again just come back next week"
I opened the car door and dropped my bag in. I felt a hand on my ass again.
"No touching"
"Well I just can't help it. With the way your work that pole. It's drives me crazy" He walked away leaving me a hot mess.
This was longer than usual and I think I did good. How about you?

❃Freshlee Interracial imagines and Preferences❃
Fanfic☆She's dripping melanin and honey☆