Sam ~ Lilly

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Sam ran down the hall from Tommy’s room to the room she shared with her husband. She slammed the door open waking Ricky up who shot up out of the bed half shifted. When he saw Sam, out of breath with tears streaming down her cheeks and a crinkled paper clutched tightly in her hands, he skin shifted and opened his arms to Sam.

Sam ran into them and held him so tightly he nearly bruised. After a moment she burst out sobbing and trying to talk  while she blubbered on. Ricky ran his fingers through her hair and tried to get her to calm down enough to speak clearly.

“Shh, shh, Sam, I can't understand you when you cry.” He picked her up and sat down on the bed with her straddling his lap. “Please stop crying Sammi, I hate it when you cry.”

With a final sniff she managed to calm down enough to croak out a soft “S-she’s gone.”

Ricky, unaware of what's happened asked for clarification.

“Lilly! She left last night without a goodbye to anyone but Tommy. All she did was a leave a note!!” Sam wiped her eyes on her sleeves. “I'm so worried about her.”

“Sam, she leaves and comes back all the time. If she left without saying goodbye it must have been urgent. She'll be back before you know it.” Sam pulled back enough to meet Ricky’s eyes, his still burning dragon blue, hers filled to the brim with tears.

“No, no, this time is different. She's not coming back.”


“She said it. She said it in the note. She said goodbye for the last time yesterday.” Sam thrust the note into his hands and snuggled into his chest as he read the note Lilly had left.

Dear Sam,

I'm sorry Sam, I really am. I know you wanted to help me through this and you'll be really mad I left without saying goodbye but I just couldn't see your face when I told you that I wouldn't be coming back.

I won't tell you where I'm going because it would hurt you so much more to learn why I left and where I went. I'm sorry I left so soon after we came back but I had to leave now before it was too late. I know I'll be missing a lot and I'll miss you guys every second I'm away but I just couldn't stay so close to where he was. Sam I could hardly breathe there’s so much of him there. So if you would give this to everyone to read, I have some things to tell you guys.

For you, your mom loved you two till the very end and NEVER ever felt you were a burden. She knew what your dad was doing but never wanted to tell you because she knew it would break your heart. She saved you before Tommy because she knew that you've already met Ricky and it would tear him apart if you had died before he got the chance to love you. She wanted to give you your best shot at love and she would be SO proud that you gave in and let yourself be loved. She wants you to know that while you can always Blink to see what needs to change, it's better to stay where you are and figure it out yourself. She knew Celeste and didn't begrudge her at all. She loves you and wants you to give your all to living as you know it's to be lived.

For Ricky, your dad didn't have much to say he just told me to tell you that he loves you and wants you to remember what he told you. Oh, and under Dragon House there’s a bunker you'll need soon so to find it as soon as possible and stock it up. Be careful who you tell about it because people change just as much as auras do.

For Tommy, he already knows how, where, and why. He just needs to wait until she comes to remember. I left him a jar of Mist, if it comes back, have it turned into a charm and have him keep it on him until it goes away. He doesn't have to open it, having it will be enough to calm him down.

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