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<•• next day ••>

Finally! The plane was landing. Nash had texted me 15 times.

"Were here"

"Have you landed?"

"Everyone ones like wtf?"

"Nash I just landed. See ya soon." I texted him. I headed off the plane. I looked for the boys. When I spotted then I kinda hid at the back of the line so I would be the last one out. I could hear the boys questioning Nash. I finally turned the corner with a smile on my face. Hayes' jaw dropped. My suit cases dropped on the floor as I ran to him. I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. I could hear him start crying. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Surprise!" I said still crying. He let me done and hugged me like he couldn't let go. Man, I loved that. " Come on love birds let's go back to the hotel" said Shawn, chuckling.

<•• at the hotel ••>

Hayes, Nash, cameron, and I shared a room. There was only two beds so hates and I shared and Cameron and Nash shared a bed. Everyone was in our room, filming a YouTube video, or filming a vine. A pillow went flying my way and it knocked me backwards. I looked up and saw Matt. " Matt!" I laughed. Hayes was filming a video with Shawn. I snook up behind him and hug-attacked Hayes. "Ahhhhh!" he laughed. I kissed his cheek and smiled at the camera. "Hi I'm Meredith. Hayes' girlfriend!" I turned off the camera and sat in Hayes lap. He wrapped his arms around me. He was warm. We fell back on the bed and cuddled while everyone was talking. The boys left and Nash and Cameron calmed down and started talking. I whispered in Hayes' ear. "I love you" he smiled and whispered back. "I love you too. And I'll never leave you" I smiled and kissed him. He moved hair out of my face and kissed back. Cameron laughed. "Awe! You two are soooo cute" We laughed and I fell asleep on my loving boyfriend's chest.

<••• in the morning •••>

I woke up and Hayes wasn't in the bed. I looked over and Nash was asleep in the bed next to mine. I got up and streched. I knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm in here!" Called Hayes. I went to Nash's bed and jumped on it. "Wake up!!!!" I laughed and jumped on Nash. Nash woke up tried to push me off. "Ugh I'm awake!" He yelled playfully. I got off and knocked on the bathroom door. "Come on princess we don't have all day!" I laughed. I could hear Hayes chuckle. "Ok. I'll be out in a bit" I couldn't wait. I grabbed my clothes and ran next door. I knocked on the door and Jack G. opens the door. "Can I use your shower? princess Hayes is taking FOREVER!" we laughed. "Sure come on in." He opens the door wider so I can get in. I wave at the boys and head to the bathroom. I put on a magcon sweatshirt and black leggings. I open the bathroom door and get sprayed with crazy string. All the boys laugh and I attack Matt and sit on his chest. Hayes comes in and falls on the floor laughing.

The magcon boysWhere stories live. Discover now