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I've learned to forgive Jack. But for hayes. I just ignore him. Magcon is in two days. Jack G. grabbed my hand as we walked down the street to the penny board shop. Jack was going to teach me to penny board. We walk in the store and Jack picks out a green board. He pays and we walk out. Everything is perfect now. Nash and Aly are ok now and I'm with Jack. He loves me. We're not offical yet. But I'm happy. We even have a plan that I'll just act like a normal fangirl and I'll get pulled up stage and introduced as the new family member.

"Here get on the board." He puts the board on the ground. "But in scared!" he kissed my cheek and smiled. "I'm right here it's ok."I get in the board and wobble around. I almost fall off but jack catches me. "Have you rode a scooter before?" he asks. I nod. "Just like riding a scooter but there's no handle bars." He smiled. But his smile faded when he got a call.

"Yea? oh, hey Taylor...." He was talking to Taylor. I wonder what was going on. I hope nothing's wrong.

"We have to go back. The boys have some news" I hop off the board and follow jack back to the hotel.

<•• at the hotel ••>

We walked into the room and there was a dead silence. No laughter. No smiles. No talking. Taylor looked up at us. He had tears in his eyes. "Wh-what's going on?" I ask as I stand there like an idiot.

"We have some bad news. It's about you Meredith." My heart sank. What did I do?

"What?" Says jack. I can hear the worry.

Taylor starts to cry. "Because of all the hate your getting from the fans because of the break up... we have to kick you out of magcon..." everyone went silent. I dropped to the floor like I was just shot. I can't believe it. I start to cry loudly. I hit the floor with my fist. "NO!!!! PLEASE!!! NOOO!" I cry. After all of this pain going threw the break up u have this to greet me? Taylor hugs me and I cry louder. He rocks me back and forth. This is the worst news. I can hear the other boys crying. All of us became close and now we had to be parted.

"Shhh... I know.." Taylor tries to calm me. It doesn't work. I cry hard. This is bad.

When I calm down I'm still in Taylor's arms. I look up at the boys. All still here. Good. "I love you all" I manage to say. They all come over and we have a group hug.

"I should pack my things.." I sniffle. We all part and I go to my room to pack. Taylor comes in the room and help me pack. "We are going to miss you a lot" he says as we finish packing. I look up at him and give him a huge hug. "Your all coming to the airport to say good bye right?" he nods and let's me go.

The magcon boysWhere stories live. Discover now