Chapter 1: The Truth

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Millie's Pov: Sadie is my bestie now and I'm so glad that we got to become super close, I was afraid that she would be mean and jealous of me or even try to turn the boys against me because she was the new girl in S2. But everything had turned out really well, instead we became the ultimate meaning of best friend goals... but the only problem was that I liked her more than a friend...I loved her. Her beautiful crystal eyes and her eye catching red hair, her lips just where a soft tinted pink. Oh my god, I think I just  realized something, I'm in Love with Sadie Sink!

Sadie's Pov: Filming for S2 has been so great to far, everyone is super nice and sweet and It feels like home, I became really close with Millie and it's crazy that we're besties now, we even got matching braclets! I couldn't believe that I was very good friends with THE MillieBobbyBrown... her Hazel eyes where just so beautiful to look at, I found it hard not to stare, and her short brown hair is so cute! Oh don't get me started about  her lips... they look so SOFT and are a naturally very pretty. She's  so beautiful...sometimes I just want to kiss her, but she probably doesn't feel the same about me, I mean we've only been friends for a couple of months now and Millie likes guys like Romeo Beckham.... right?

Millie's Pov: I'm at Noah's house and we are watching a movie in his room, of course Finns there holding Noah's hand and they're flirting with each other like crazy, I thought that it was cute. Noah and Finn came out about 2 months ago telling everyone that they where gay and proud. I kind of knew already because of the way Noah acted around guys, but Finn was a surprise. I was really happy for them and they both knew that I had feelings for Sadie so of course they invited her over. "Hey Mills, Sadie's on her way ok? Maybe you can tell her how you feel now!" Said Noah. Finn looked at me and smiled, "Yea, Mills maybe you should come out... you never know maybe Sadie likes you too." "I don't know guys, I what if she thinks I'm weird?!" I said very nervously, "oh relax Mills, Finnie and I have a plan." said Noah, and he kissed Finn on the cheek. Finn giggled and kissed him back, I couldn't help but smile at them the two of them. They where so perfect for each other, like Sadie was for me... I hope.

Sadie's Pov: My phone buzzed and it was a text from Noah, he said that Finn and Millie where there with him watching a movie, and he wanted to invited me to come to. I really wasn't in the mood to watch anything right now but since he said that Millie was there I had to say yes.
So I replied back to him and he sent me a winky face.... what does that mean?! I know him and Finn are dating now because they came out not to long ago but are they planning something?? It's all in my head I thought to my self. I was about to tell my mom but she already knew to take me because Noah's mom had already messaged her. I got into the car and all I could think about was Millie, I wondered what she was wearing today...I'm pretty sure that she would look beautiful as always.

Millie's Pov: The doorbell rang and Noah went to go get it, Finn looked at me and giggled silently, I gave him a playful nudge. What where they planning??? Sadie came in and her hair was in a low curly beautiful ponytail, I loved her hair like that and I loved it when it was down. She was wearing a white shirt and a green skirt, she looked a like she was kind of in a daze when she walked in, but I couldn't stop staring at her, she seemed to be staring right at me too.

Sadie's Pov: My mom pulled up to the front of Noah's house and dropped me off, I ringed the doorbell and I saw Noah there smiling like a goofball as always, he hugged me and then I came in, I saw Millie and she looked so pretty as I had expected, even though she was just wearing sweats, she still looked really cute.
I hugged Finn and then sat right down next to Millie, she smiled and I smiled back awkwardly, she then hugged me, I didn't want to let go but I did not want to make things weird, so I let go.

Millie's Pov: Sadie sat down next to me and I smiled at her and she smiled shyly back, she seemed nervous I hoped everything was ok. I hugged her and it was as if she didn't want to let go because we hugged for a while, I didn't want to let go either, I saw out of the corner of my eyes Finn and Noah looking at us giggling. She must've noticed because she let go and I did too, I was a little embarrassed and then out of no where Noah said, "So let's play truth or dare??" I knew immediately what he was up to.

Sadie's Pov: I said sure to truth or dare so did Millie, I got a little nervous because I didn't know what they where going to ask me, Finn went first and he asked Noah truth or dare, and of course Noah said,"dare." And so Finn dared Noah to kiss him, and Noah did without hesitation Millie looked at me and giggled and I smiled back, it was Noah's turn and he turned to Millie.

Millie's Pov: I knew that this was a trick.  Of course Noah would ask me truth or dare, so I choose truth. He then said, "I want you to tell Sadie how you feel about her."

Sadie's Pov: I quickly looked up my eyes wide in nervousness and excitement. I looked at Millie and Millie looked at me, her eyes then got huge and she looked like was on the verge of crying, Noah was smiling but then stopped, And so did Finn. I got nervous, and then all of a sudden instead of saying anything Millie leaned over to me and kissed me really hard.

Millie's Pov: My head felt like it was spinning I didn't know what to do, I felt like I had to throw up but I wasn't going to let that happen. So instead of talking I decided to go for it and I kissed Sadie really hard, instead of resisting she put her arms around me and I put my arms on her waist. It felt like heaven her lips where so soft her long beautiful red hair brushed the sides of my cheeks, her crystal eyes wide in love, I felt my heart beating faster and faster.

Sadie's Pov: It like a burst of happiness fled through my hole body and I didn't want the kiss to end, so I wrapped my hands around Millie's shoulders and she grabbed my waist. Millie's lips where so soft and petite as I had thought they would be, her soft fingers trickling around my waist, her
hazel eyes huge in happiness. Noah and Finn weren't nervous anymore they started laughing really loud,  but I ignored them I never wanted this moment to end. Finn coughed and so did Noah, signaling us to stop because we kind of got a little to into the moment I should say... We stopped and hesitated for a secondMillie let go first and so did I. I looked down at the ground slightly embarrassed but I've never felt so happy in my life.

Millie's Pov: Because of Finn and Noah coughing very loudly we let go. it was clear we that we went a little too far but I didn't care at all,  I was happy. Sadie as blushing like crazy but smiled at me and I knew that she liked it, and I, I loved it.
"So.. are you guys dating now?!" Said Finn excitedly Sadie looked at me and I looked back at her, we both said, "Yes." At the exact same time it was wonderful. After that Noah turned back on the movie and dimmed the lights, Sadie rest her head in my lap and I played with her hair, the reached for my hand and we entwined our fingers, knowing that we would love each other forever, and there she was, my Ginger Queen.

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