The End

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"I'm so sorry Sadie." Millie sighed and looked down as they entered the house and Sadie looked at her and smiled, she wiped the tear away from Millie's cheek.

"Don't be...I understand...feelings can sure be crazy sometimes." Sadie said, recalling from the time when she wanted to come out, she wanted to be able to express her feelings however she was scared, but she dealt with it, she faced her fears and was now with the love of her life, the girl of her dreams. Millie Bobby Brown, and she couldn't be more happier.

"I love you Sadie." Millie said and wrapped her arms around Sadie's waist.

"I love you too Millie." Sadie whispered and kissed her on the lips, and once again...the kiss was magical.


Thank you all so much for reading this crazy series! I know, I know the ending was like 45 seconds long, but I had to sadly end it because I couldn't come up with anymore ideas (writers block) but I appreciate all of the love and time and the crazy comments that came along with the journey of creating this crazy love story, I love you all so much!😘❤️

The Gingerly girl  Sadie x Millie (Sillie)Where stories live. Discover now