Chapter 4: Bossy Romeo

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           Millie woke up to Sadie's face in her face really closely, she giggled and touched Sadie's nose, "Good morning my ginger goddess," she said softly and Sadie opened her eyes, "Oh, what um, good morning sweetie, sorry, oh my god I am in your face." Sadie said as her turning bright pink, Millie shook her said and laughed, she then kissed Sadie and Sadie kissed her back and grinned. Sadie got up and so did Millie, "Should I order breakfast?" Millie asked Sadie, but Sadie shook her head, "How about... we make breakfast!" She said excitedly, "Sure." Millie said, She's never cooked before but everything must be a first. They got up and went into the kitchen and put on aprons, Sadie played music from her phone and started dancing around in circles as she was getting the pancake mix, "Sadie, calm down before you fall!" Millie said giggling, "Mills, loosen up and have some fun!" Sadie said, her long red hair flowing everywhere as she twirled around and around in circles to the beat of the music, "She's so cute." Millie mumbled to herself as she watched Sadie dancing, Millie started mixing the pancake mix and shaking her hips to the sound the music. She then handed the bowl to Sadie and Sadie twirled, put it in the oven and set the timer, "Sadie do you ever get dizzy you silly child?" Millie said laughing as Sadie kept twirling around and around in circles, "Nope, I just keep going!" Sadie cheered and started moving her hips from side to side. "Come here Mills, dance with me!" Sadie said, "Oh, no, no, Sadie!" Millie said backing away but giggling, Sadie pulled her close and put her arms around Millie's neck, Millie put her arms around Millie's waist and they started dancing. "Oh, no" Millie said giggling as Sadie started twirling them round and around, they kept dancing and spinning together, and then Sadie fell onto the ground and brought Millie down with her, "Sadie be careful!" Millie said but she couldn't stop giggling, they rolled around on the ground giggling like crazy, Millie started tickling Sadie waist. "Mills, please!" she begged but couldn't stop laughing, Noah and Finn came in because they heard the music along with Sadie and Millie laughing. "Whats going on?" Finn said yawning and smiling, but Sadie and Millie kept rolling around on the floor giggling, their legs entwined and Sadie's red cherry blossomed hair all in Millie's face. "You guys are so Silly!" Noah said giggling and Finn started giggling too, Finn held his nose up to the air, "Mmm what is that good smell, are you guys cooking?" he said walking to the kitchen, Sadie and Millie stopped rolling and looked at each other eyes wide, "THE PANCAKES!" they both said in unison and ran for the oven knocking Finn out of the way but Noah caught him, "Hey, be careful with my prince will ya?" he said giggling and Finn kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks for catching me my knight in shining armor." he said and smiled. Sadie and Millie opened the oven and Sadie took out the tray, the Pancakes where burnt really bad, "Aww we burnt the pancakes!" Sadie said frowning and setting them on the counter, Millie hugged her, "Don't worry, I think its best we order Pancakes instead of trying to make them." Millie said and Sadie started giggling, "Ha, I think your right." she said smiling again, Millie walked over to her phone and called for delivery. Finn and Noah sat at the counter top and Sadie stopped the music on her phone and sat down on the couch brushing her hair, Millie sat down her phone but then it started buzzing, she looked to see who was calling her and it was Romeo. "Oh, no!" Millie groaned, Romeo had a crush on her and she hasn't old him that she was dating Sadie. "Whats wrong Mills?" Noah said walking over to her but he saw Romeo's name, "Oh god... just answer it, whatever he wants just tell him your busy." he said assuring Millie, Sadie didn't hear what was going on because she was too busy trying to comb out her hair. Millie went outside to go talk to Romeo. "Hey whats going on?" Sadie asked, Noah looked down to the floor for a moment and then he said, "Romeo." Sadie looked up and stopped what she was doing, "Why is he calling her?" Sadie said slightly worried, They all knew that Romeo had a huge crush on Millie and he was a jerk. "Don't worry, Millie doesn't really want to talk to him, so I'm sure shell come up with some excuse if he tries to come over." Finn said understanding how Sadie felt, Romeo wasn't so nice so Sadie, he always called her a ginger and never by her name and he was so judge full towards everyone, alone with being bossy.

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