Chapter 8: Anger - Regret - Ressettlement

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It's FINALLY HERE! Sorry for the super dramatic long wait, I got really busy once school ended and Summer began, but here it is!

Sadie couldn't believe what just happened she quickly closed Millie's window and sat down on the bed, she took Millie's phone and since Sadie knew her password she was easily able to go on and read Millie's texts.

-MillieBobbyBrown: Romeo....I just wanted to say that I am very sorry about what happened the other night.-

"She's sorry....okay I get that." Sadie muttered and continued scrolling down.

MillieBobbyBrown: Thanks for understanding...I kind of like you too...

Sadie felt her heart drop, she felt anger slowly boiling up in her chest. It was as if rain just poured down on her happy parade, it wasn't like Millie do this, why would she do this to her...Sadie didn't understand what was going on, a whirlwind of hate and a torrid of horrible thoughts started coming to her head, she felt like her whole world had been torn apart once again.

"HOW COULD YOU, I THOUGHT THAT YOU LOVED ME!" She screamed with a mix of hatred and pain- Hot tears stared pouring down her face, Sadie threw the phone at the wall as Finn and Noah quickly ran in.

"What's going on?!" Finn exclaimed.

"We heard yelling-" Noah stopped when he saw Sadie screaming and crying crazily they both ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

"W-What's wrong, where's Millie?!" Noah exclaimed as he hugged her tightly and she cried with her face buried in his chest. Finn let go and walked over to where she threw Millie's phone, he opened it and read the texts, he sighed.

"She's meeting Romeo for ice cream...apparently she must still have feelings for him." Finn muttered and set the phone down.

"Oh honey.." Noah mumbled and gently rocked Sadie like a baby.

"Come on, wipe away those tears." He said as Finn handed her a tissue and stood up, he handed her a coat.

"Where are we g-going?" Sadie sniffled.

"Where do you think we're going?! To find Millie of course." Noah said and she sighed, they stood up and walked out of the house.

"Now that your with me, I can call you my bitch." Romeo grinned and kissed Millie's cheek, she smiled at him but didn't really like the fact that he was calling her his bitch.

"I don't know why- but I knew that whole weird lesbian thing was just a faze." Romeo grinned as he looked at Millie and swirled his straw in his Oreo smoothie.

"Haha..yea.." Millie mumbled as she laughed awardly- she was slowly starting to actually THINK and REGRET what she had done.

"JUST A FAZE WAS IT." Millie and Romeo both jumped as they saw Sadie walking angrily towards them with Finn and Noah following her on both sides.

"Oh god..what have I done." Millie muttered and buried her face in her hands.

"Yea I know what you did Millie, I watched you the whole time." Sadie glared at her- Millie nervously looked up and could tell that she was crying, Millie stood up.

"Look Sadie I'm sorry-" Romeo cut Millie off.

"Why are you apologizing, don't apologize to people who are FAGS." Romeo yelled.

"ALRIGHT, THATS ENOUGH!" Finn yelled and socked Romeo right in the face before Noah could stop him.

Romeo fell to the ground and cursed in pain, Noah kept a stray and tight arm on Finn so that he wouldn't do anything more harmful but Sadie secretly wanted him to beat the crap out of Romeo even more.

"Millie..w-what are you doing, help me up!" Romeo barked and Millie just stood there with her arms crossed.

"You know what Romeo, Yes..I changed my mind again. I don't like you, I HATE YOU." She spat and kissed Sadie right on the lips.

"And It's not a faze baby, believe me." She said.

"I'm also very, very sorry..I don't know what got into me..I was stupid." Millie sighed and looked down.

"That's all I needed to hear, I forgive you. Now let's leave this dump." Sadie said and Millie smiled and wrapped her arm around Sadie, they walked out of the ice cream shop leaving Romeo on the ground in total shock and disbelief, Millie turned her head one more time.

"Oh and Romeo," she added, " This is my bitch." Millie winked and they left.


Yay! It all turned out good, I told you guys that it would- again i know this is a short chapter but I'm starting to run out of ideas, if you guys have any feel free to drop them in the comment section and maybe I could add them into the next chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading❤️

Xoxo- WildFlowerChild.

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