Chapter 5: Pride Day Parade

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They all released from hugging Millie as Romeo came back from Millie's room frustrated. He was rubbing his cheek, he then saw Millie and Sadie holding hands. "You disgusting QUEERS!" Romeo spat and Finn got up, "OKAY, I've had enough of YOU Romeo, I think that you should just leave!" Finn yelled as Noah held him back from almost attacking Romeo. " Im so leaving this gay place!" Romeo yelled and walked out of the front door, he slammed it really hard. Millie rolled her eyes and Sadie sighed, "Im glad HE's gone." Millie said leaning her head on Sadie's lap. They where all quiet for a moment and kind of hurt from what Romeo had said, "Hey, what happened to the breakfast you guys ordered?" Noah asked looking around and breaking the silence, Millie and Sadie popped up, "THE BREAKFAST!" They both screamed in unison and ran outside. 

They saw the delivery person walking around to each and every house but Millie's. "Hey, over here!" Sadie said as she waved her hands, the delivery woman saw them and walked towards them. Millie giggled at Sadie, "You look cute when you wave your hands, their so tiny!" Millie said smiling at Sadie, Sadie blushed. "Oh your giggle Is the cutest." Sadie said smiling back at Millie, the delivery woman looked at them both weirdly and handed them the box. "Thank you so much." Millie said smiling at the lady and she nodded. "No problem I guess.... its my job..." She mumbled and went back into her takeout car. Millie and Sadie walked inside and set the box on the kitchen table, Finn and Noah quickly got up. "BEHOLD, IT IS FOOD!" Sadie said in a loud funny voice and they all burst out laughing. They ate breakfast even though it was already 1pm and Noah was on his phone, "Hey, theres a Pride Day Parade going on down the street later today, we should all go!" he said excitedly. "Yea, It will be fun!" Finn added, "Do you want to go Mills?" Sadie asked, she wanted to go herself but she had to make sure that Millie was okay with it. "Let's do it!" Millie said grinning at Sadie. They all called and texted their parents to let them know that they where going, and their parents where okay with it so they got ready. Sadie followed Millie in her room, "Okay what do you think we should wear, white dresses... blue dresses... black dresses.... " Millie said and Sadie giggled at her. "How about we wear white dresses, since its clear that you really want to wear a dress." Sadie said and Millie nodded excitedly, they got dressed and Sadie pinned a rainbow pin on Millie's dress and Millie pinned another one on Sadie's. "Can I do your makeup?" Millie asked, "Go for it Milster." Sadie said smiling and Millie did Sadie's makeup, "Close your eyes okay?" Millie said and Sadie nodded.  Sadie didn't need a lot of makeup, So Millie brushed glitter on Sadie cheeks and eyelashes, it made her freckles look super shiny. Millie then also added a touch of her light pink lipgloss to Sadie's lips, Millie kissed her, and Sadie blushed.  "You can open your eyes now," Millie said softly and Sadie's glittery eyelashes fluttered open. She looked in the mirror, "Oh my gosh, I love it!" Sadie gasped as she looked at herself, Sadie really loved the glitter that was on her eyelashes and cheeks, Millie did the same for herself so that they could match. Sadie put rainbow flower pins in Millie's hair and Millie did the same for Sadie. They went out to the living room and cuddled until Finn and Noah where ready.

 "Noah... you're tying the tie wrong," Finn said giggling as he fixed Noah's rainbow tie. They both had on rainbow colored ties with white suites. "Would you like a flower crown my lovely prince?" Noah said as he put one on his head, "I would love one." Finn said smiling, Noah placed another one on Finns head.  "All we're missing is glitter!" Noah said and they both went to the living room where Millie and Sadie where. "Looking beautiful as always," Finn said smiling at Sadie and Millie. "Nice crowns," Sadie said giggling and pointing at Finn and Noah's heads. "Thanks, do you guys have any more glitter?" Noah asked, and Millie nodded and went to go get glitter, "Here you go." Millie said handing Noah the glitter, and Noah sprinkled it all around Finn and himself. They all started laughing, "Oh my gosh, we're glitter monsters." Millie said as they exited through the front door and down the street to the parade.

They got there, and loud music was playing, The song: Girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko. "OH MY GOD THIS IS MY SONG!" Sadie squealed and started dancing, she felt like she was safe with these group of people who had the same feelings as her. The confused ones, the scared ones, and the just pure happy ones, Sadie felt welcome here. "Sadie!" Millie said giggling as Sadie joined everyone else who where dancing, Millie joined in and so did Finn and Noah, they all where marching,  giggling and twirling down the street as people around them that all consist of the LGBTQ+ community danced with them and sang. They all felt happy, they all forgot about those cruel words that Romeo had said about them, they belonged where they where at this moment. "Millie Bobby Brown, Sadie Sink, Finn Wolfhard, and Noah Schnapp!" yelled a person who was wearing a rainbow dress. "Oh my god your'e here, welcome!" the girl said as she danced in circles and handed Millie a rainbow scarf, she danced away into the happy crowd. "Aww, that was so sweet!" Finn said smiling and Noah kissed him on the cheek, they continued to dance and march, Millie watched Sadie smiling as she twirled and danced happily.  Her bright red hair was flying all over the place, Sadie took Millie's hands and they started dancing together, smiling and giggling. It all felt like a dream but it wasn't, this was reality, this was true happiness. 

Hey guys thank you so much for reading! I know this chapter is really short but Im thinking about adding another conflict, I just need Ideas... should Romeo come back or any of the other kids from the ST cast... or should I bring in some kids from the IT cast and turn one of them into the conflict? Comment down below or message me and let me know! xoxo- wildflowerchildxoxo :) 

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