Chapter 7: Lurking Guilt

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Hey guys, sorry this took forever to finish up, I've been busy with school lately but here it is, I choose a different way of writing but if it's easier for you guys to read it the other way, just let me know and I will change it asap. Thank you! XoxoWildflowerchildxoxo❤️


Sadie was taking a shower while Finn and Noah where sitting down on the couch cuddling with each other as always. Millie was in her room laying down on her bed, she was on her phone.

Millie has been getting tagged in a bunch of Rillie (aka Romeo x Millie) photos and she hates it, She's already dealt with Fillie and did not want to face another ship. She kind of felt guilty after what she did to Romeo, she could've just simply told him that she was dating instead of being dramatic and slapping him in the face...but he tried to kiss her when she clearly did not want to kiss him, so it isn't her fault...Is it?

Is it her fault for being gay? Is it her fault for loving someone of the same gender? Millie really did not want all of these thoughts to start coming back but they just hit her like a tornado. It was all rainbows and sunshines until that deep storm at the bottom of her chest that had been lurking there for a while wanted its time to shine, and now wasn't the right time. She just ruined a super close friendship of all because she expressed her feelings...and not in a great way but yes, Romeo did need to watch his hands and yes, he was a jerk and hated queers but Millie knew that maybe...just maybe Romeo had a good heart and would understand, he probably was upset at her at the moment but it takes time for a person to accept a change in a loved ones life...Millie decided to sit up and pick up her phone, she forgot about Sadie.

MillieBobbyBrown has started a private chat with RomeoBeckham.

MillieBobbyBrown: Romeo....I just wanted to say that I am very sorry about what happened the other night.

There was no response and Millie looked down and bit her lip, suddenly her phone buzzed.

RomeoBeckham: Hey Millie...Its fine, I understand, Im sorry for being such a jerk around you all...I just really like you.

Millie gasped and her face turned bright pink, her heart started pounding excitedly from what he just said, she was glad that he understood and now she wanted to express her feelings to him as well.

MillieBobbyBrown: Thanks for understanding...I kind of like you too...

RomeoBeckham: How about we go out and get ice cream later...just you and me? ;)

Millie read his text out loud and jumped on the bed excitedly, "YES!" she screamed and went back to her phone.

MillieBobbyBrown: Sure, I'll sneak my way out :)

RomeoBeckham: Kk, see you there.

This Chat has ended.

Millie quickly put on a coat and shoes, forgetting that she had company over she quietly slipped out of her room and left her phone on her bed, what Millie didn't know was that Sadie was standing at the door way and watching her the whole time.

Hey guys.....Do YOU hear me SCREAMING.?! Im literally kicking myself for writing this really short chapter but I really needed another conflict to get things a little heated up again so please don't be mad, it will get better soon....I promise.

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