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I slowly open my weary eyes to discover there was a smeared number written on the top of my left hand. Looked like 7 to me. I don't remember why I had this in the first place, but whatever. Taking out my iPhone as a mirror, I checked to make sure nothing was on my face. Clear.

"Um, excuse me? Where are we?" I asked the foreign driver as I looked out of the window of the unfamiliar car I seemed to be sleeping and currently driving in.

"Oh you're up! Well miss, we're about 2 hours north of London, headin' there right now." He said overly cheery. He seemed like a happy fella.

"Excuse me, did you just say London? As in... London.. England..?" I dragged out the last two words, almost forcing them out of my mouth, scared because I was a few countries away from where I was actually supposed to be.

"Uh, yeah miss... Don't cha know who's vehicle you're sittin' in right now?" The driver seemed just as confused as I was.

"I actually have no clue and I'd really like to know why I'm being driven to London, that way when I call the cops, I'll have enough details to make it a legitimate case." I huffed quietly, crossing my arms as I focused completely all my attention on this driver, watching as he glanced back between me and the road far out ahead of him.

"Well, don't rush now, why don't cha turn around and look who's asleep behind you first..." He said hesitantly, looking back at the road now. I guess that deserved more attention than me. I suppose I didn't want to add 'dying' to my list of terrible mistakes, so I appreciated the fact he concentrated ahead of him.

I skeptically turned around and widened my eyes almost instantaneously at the figure laying behind me across the leather black seats. Well. I'm sharing the same air as Harry Styles, no big'. Seems casual enough, doesn't it?

The last thing I can remember was being in a bar with my best friend, Emma, in Germany... How did I end up in England?! And where is she? The only possible explanations were drugs, alcohol and being kidnapped. Even though I wasn't even a 'kid' anymore... I turned 18 three weeks ago, and my big present was Germany for a month during the summer with my best friend. Couldn't pass up an opportunity like that, now could I?

It was actually, to be honest, kind of freaking me out... I needed to wake up Harry fucking Styles, asap... I needed to get out of here. I needed to get out of this car, find Emma and leave. The only things that were running through my mind was the last thing I was doing at the bar. Awesome, the last thing I could remember before I probably got assaulted in some way, was taking a fucking shot of Jägermeister!

"Should I wake him?" I asked the driver, cautiously and almost so quietly as if a mouse spoke for me. I didn't want to talk to or have anything to do with my "keeper" unless I was absolutely forced to.

"I reckon you do what you wish, but just know, the lad's a little cranky when woken." He chuckled, apparently humored by my question.

"Well, this is urgent." I needed answers to questions that had to be asked. I turn around in the car to wake him, but end up finding him staring at me, arms crossed, smiling sleepily as he tilted his head and gave me such an expression that any other time, I could have sworn I'd kill him.

Frustrated and quite angry already by the circumstances I was being placed in, I finally got the words to spill out of my mouth.

"Um, yeah, I'm sorry but I have no clue where my best friend is or why I'm in your car or why I don't remember anything and I would really appreciate having some answers... Like... As soon as possible, would be preferred..."

Harry laughed and ran his fingers through his messy brown curls. Damn, there is no denying how stunning that boy is, but that's beside the point! Now isn't the time for drooling or gushing over this boy. He did something wrong and I needed to stand my ground and figure out why it happened in the first place. I mean, it seems to me like it's an unwritten, or even written, law that you just don't, you know... Kidnap people?

"My lads and I were in Germany for a show yesterday evening, then we went to a bar to hangout and have a few drinks, you know, because international popstars need to take a break every once and awhile too. Then we ended up finding you and your friend, completely hammered, as in like, unable to remember your name, hammered. We felt like you weren't safe and decided to bring you with us to our show in Birmingham which ended a few hours ago, that's why we're driving back to London right now. You literally haven't woken up since yesterday. Girl knows how to take shots though!" He laughs again.

Me, being completely unaware of the mess I unknowingly caused, stared at him with a blank face, irritated. "Yeah, basically you kidnapped us." I stayed, not leaving any room for discussion whatsoever. He had a confused expression I tried to read, but no luck.

"Kidnap you? We were trying to help you instead of leaving you in a sketchy bar filled with men who most like would have brought you back to their house! Or chamber! To kill you!" He retorted, lifting his chin up slightly as he crossed his very muscular arms across his chest again.

Well he seems very pleased with himself, I thought to myself. I guess I shouldn't be complaining now, really. I'm in a car with Harry Styles after he saved my ass from getting , possibly, raped and killed. At least he hadn't done it himself...

"Thanks then.. I guess. But... where the hell is my friend?" I asked quickly as it came out unintentionally in a high pitched voice. Again, he laughed at me. What is with this kid finding every sentence that comes out of my mouth, hilarious.

"She's in Niall's car... Did you know she gets super...affectionate... when she's wasted?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

I laughed, because that sounds just like Emma... "Uh yeah, that tends to happen a lot..." He looked up at me with his green marbles of eyes and smiled, looking somewhat apologetic now. Different than the first expression I got off his face just a few minutes ago.

"Hey, I'm sorry, it was just our first instinct to help. But we can find you girls a flight back to wherever you need to go, when we get to my flat."

I smiled lightly back, "Thanks, we really do appreciate it.. Who knows, if it weren't for you, we may have been chopped up and thrown in a garden right now as fertilizer!" We both laughed as I sat back deeper into the seat, making myself comfortable for the rest of however long this ride would take.

"Sorry to ask, but what's your name...? You never told me the other night. I reckon you didn't even know yourself!" He grinned, sitting up straighter as he looked at me, up and down, I could see. I blushed faintly at the embarrassing reminder of how fucked up I got, silently agreeing because sounds like I probably didn't.

I replied awkwardly, "I'm Zoe." Harry smiled and didn't tell me his name, he can read me like a book if he thinks I already know it.

"Lovely name, painfully American." He smiled, shaking his head at the comment as he turned a bit in his seat, making the leather squeak at the contact.

I laughed and smiled, looking out the darkened window on English soil. It suddenly hit me that I was in a car with Harry Styles, going to London to his flat... Maybe the beginning of this ride didn't start out well, and maybe not even the middle. But if I knew anything, I was grateful for the fact that someone would be caring enough to help. Even though the circumstances make me cringe and regret ever drinking Tequila and Piña Coladas in the first place, maybe this whole thing happened for some bizarre reason. One of which I have yet to find out why.

(Hey readers! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter of this! This is my first time writing and I'll try to make it as great as I can! Leave suggestions or comments or anything at all, and I'll take them into consideration! Thanks! x)

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