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Harry's POV

The boys and I all grabbed our jackets once the girls left, and headed out to drive to lunch before hitting the studio. I opened the door to jog down to my car downstairs and drive out to a small, secluded café beside the studio we would be going to today.

It was best to go there, considering not many people were there usually, and we won't get swarmed. Yeah, it's nice to meet fans and everything, but some days needed I be low key and today was one of those days.

I arrived just a short while before the other boys, and met Liam before the others would join us a few minutes later. He grinned and leaned forward once I sat down at the round table, chairs scattered all around us.

"How ya doing, Harry? You look a little, I don't know.. deep in thought?" Liam chuckled teasingly and raised his eyebrow, waiting for answers, I presumed. I didn't even know the answers myself. Too many things were circling through my brain and I needed to process it all before I could spit anything out to anyone else.

I cracked a light grin back at him and shrugged blankly. "I don't know, Liam. Just thinking, over everything." I admitted, praying to god he wouldn't make fun of me or something. I knew he wouldn't though, at least, not seriously.

"I never took you to be one to think so deep about life, Harry." He laughed quietly to himself, running his fingers through his hair before following the other boys to our table in the back.

We were all sat down and handed menus by the waiter. I could tell just by his body language and stuttering that he wasn't really used to seeing us here. Must be new then. I silently praised the fact he didn't ask for pictures or autographs or anything. I'd never say no, no not at all, I just had too much on my mind to focus on something like that right now.

"So Harry." Louis clapped his hands together, smirking at me with a mischievous grin.

"So Lou." I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, observing him from across the table, littered already with multiple Coke and water glasses for us five.

"You and Zoe, am I right or am I right?" He opened his arms as if accepting some sort of praise and worship while leaning back in his chair. Expecting what seemed to be, some sort of applause from us boys, he furrowed his eyebrows at the fact that none of us even said a word after his smart-ass comment.

After we all processed the words spilling from his mouth, the rest of the boys' eyes' widened and they suddenly got super interested in what he had to say. As was I, to be honest.

"No, but I can actually see it, Harry. You should definitely ask her out. What's the deal with those girls anyways? Do they want to stay? I really like them." He retorted quickly, crossing his arms as he leaned forward on the table, casually pushing some glasses and silverware back from his eating area.

Niall nodded and ran his hand through his hair nervously and added on to Louis, "Yeah, me too." He muttered and smiled faintly, an odd tint of pink flushing his cheeks.

Niall? Embarrassed? He was usually so cheeky and flirty with everyone so even this was weird to me.

"Yeah Niall, we know. In fact, just ask Emma out already. The longer you wait, the more fun it'll be later when we're all making fun of you for having a little crush." Zayn teased, playfully nudging his elbow. Niall rolled his eyes and took a gulp of his water, holding back any other comments, before hitting Zayn in the arm.

"Harry, just stop being a pussy. Ask her out. What's the worst that can happen?" Louis said, bringing a new light to the subject.

Well, what was the worst that could happen? Other the fact that maybe she didn't even fucking like me and I'd just make a giant fool of myself along with constantly getting teased by the boys from that day forward and maybe even losing a friend over the awkwardness.

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