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Zoe's POV

I was definitely surprised. A recovering alcoholic? That's heavy.. Really heavy. But I was really proud of Harry, to be honest. It takes a lot of strength to get over an addiction like that. Especially when your girlfriend leaves you? That's unbelievable. If it were me, I would have been there through everything. I wouldn't have just backed out when the waters got rough. That's not what a relationship is about. But then again, I could say the same thing to Harry about him cheating. Alcohol is the stupidest fucking excuse to cheat on someone you love, but, shit happens?

After I broke the kiss, I just looked at Harry in amazement. He was a strong guy, that's for sure. I wanted him to be mine now.. That is also for sure. I backed away from him, giving each of us a bit of space to recover from that. It sparked something inside me.. I can't explain it. I couldn't even begin to try. God, it was almost unreal. I felt like I was on cloud fucking nine. It was too good to be true.

"Look, I know it's hard. It will always be hard. But, you have people here to help you through it. Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam... They're your brothers, Harry. You never need to go back to your old ways, okay? And I have a lot of confidence in you that you won't." I smiled lightly and nodded. I couldn't help but giving him one more tight hug.

"Thanks, Zo." He said, pulling away slightly but keeping his hands on my waist loosely.

"No prob, Har'." I said, laughing quietly as I looked around and smiled.

"So.. What do you want to do now?" He asked suddenly while standing up to walk to the kitchen. Way to change the subject.

"Hmm... I'm not really sure. What are the guys up to?" I asked curiously, staying right where I was as I pulled a knitted blanket off the back of the couch, wrapping it around my shoulders to stay cozy.

"Well, I'm not sure about Emma and Niall but-"

"Oh my god, Harry, that's it!" I said, smiling huge. I don't know what the big fascination was with Niall and Emma, but I always had the best ideas when it came to them. Maybe it's just the fact that I wanted her to be with someone that seemed so genuinely nice and caring. Or maybe it was the real best friend part in me that just wanted her to get laid so she could relax and ease up a bit.

"What?!" He replied, laughing quietly as I heard him open the fridge, grab a glass bottle of some sort, then come back out. Okay, just a juice glass. No worries.

"Do I hear a possible double date set-up night?" I smirked ever so mischievously at my plot as I crossed my arms across my chest.

Emma better be getting it after tonight or else we have a major problem.

Harry's POV

Zoe went in her room and grabbed her cell phone before coming back out to the living room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Niall's number as she dialed Emma's on her own.

"One... two... three." I said as we both pressed the call button and waited for them to each pick up.

"Hey mate!" Niall's bloody Irish accent travelled through the phone, echoing harshly in my eardrum.

"Hey. Are you free tonight?" I asked, shoving one hand in my pocket as I turned away from Zoe so I wouldn't be so loud.

"Uh, yeah, as far as I know. Why? You got plans for me?!" He laughed at his own embarrassing joke, the infamous high-pitched laugh making me grin.

"One second, Niall." I said before looking at Zoe. See, we had planned to basically set them up on a 'blind date' but in reality, they would be on a date just like us, but just without asking each other first. Should work out swimmingly, right?

Zoe and I are just the greatest friends to them, aren't we? Zoe gave me a nod as well as a thumbs-up that Emma was coming.

I spoke up to Niall after, "Yes, I have plans for you. Be dressed in nice-ish clothes around 8pm tonight. We'll pick you up."

"Alright, pal. See ya then." Niall said quickly before hanging up the phone.

Zoe's POV

Emma seemed weirdly excited to be hanging with Harry and I tonight... I told her she would be 'third-wheeling' but it didn't matter to her. I think she's just one of those creepy best friends that wants to see a couple in action. Wait, did I just say couple? I just meant date. For now, I meant strictly date.

I hung up my phone and felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks when those thoughts went through my head. But I was honestly curious about what Harry and I were. I wanted to be with him, really badly, but knowing Emma and I were going home in less than three weeks now. I know that if I get into this, there is no backing out. That will hurt the most, like if I decide to actually make something kinda serious out of this then just leave. It's hard to decide if I want to keep this going, which I really seem to want to fucking do, or let myself just... be?

My dad used to tell me one specific phrase that stuck in my head ever since I was a little girl, before he left, of course.

He used to say these exact words, "Zoe, don't you ever let your head speak louder than your heart. You just do what makes you feel loved and happy."

That's the thing, Harry makes me feel happy and nervous and confused and loved, all at the same time. I wish my dad was here to help guide me, honestly. Maybe he would have some words of wisdom, or maybe not. Everything is just so... confusing.

I had gone in my room after hanging up with Emma. I sat on my bed, just thinking over everything, how quickly everything has happened and how in a snap of mine or Harry's fingers, it could all be gone. I felt tears rapidly forming in the corners of my eyes. I tried blinking them away but it didn't do much justice at all. Harry knocked softly on the door after a minute. 'Fuck.' I thought to myself before blinking really fast and looking quickly in the mirror, patting my cheeks to make them look a little better and livelier. I opened the door to see the curly headed kid standing in front of me with a creepy grin on his face.

"Hello.." I said suspiciously. I couldn't help but smile when he did. It was like a sickness that my immune system never figured out how to stop.

"Hi." He said cutely, almost like a little kid. It was adorable, I'm not even kidding.

"You're weird. I don't like you anymore." I said playfully, giving him a friendly smirk and wink before leaning against the door frame.

He dropped his head and stuck out a pouty face at me and crossed his arms. "Not. Cool. Zoe." He mumbled, pulling me into a random hug.

I couldn't let myself fully enjoy the hug without thinking about what this really was. I pulled away and stepped back from Harry with a concerned look on my face as I kept my head down to avoid his eyes now, brushing a few strands of hair back from my cheek.

He tilted his head slightly, obvious confusion and sadness spread across his face. His expression changed so quickly, it was almost intimidating. "Are you alright? Do I smell or something?" He asked, blushing faintly.

I chuckled a bit and shook my head, looking at him now as I cracked a small smile. "No, it's fine. Don't worry." I said, nodding.

He nodded lightly and ran his fingers through his hair, looking down again in a thoughtful manner.

I felt kind of bad. Like I was playing games or something. That was really the last thing I wanted to do, but all of this seemed so.. Just, so bizarre. I wasn't ever sure what was the right or wrong decision to make anymore.

It was like I was thrown into all of this like a fucking eight foot deep swimming pool without my floaties on. I was sinking down further and further as my time here with Harry went on. What was I supposed to when the three weeks are up, and I'm drowning already at the bottom of the pool?

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