Chapter 15

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Yujin's POV

"Guys, we've been walking non stop.  Lets rest for a bit." Xiumin suggested,  heaving a loud sigh as we all proceeded to sit down and rest. Well, we have walking for straight three hours now, being the human we are, we're beat. 

"Woman.  Are you sure we'll get there in   6 hours?" The camel thingy queried. "Yup." I replied shortly.  Well,  it took me at least  10 hours to drag their heavy asses to the camp.  Judging by our pace,  we'll probably arrive in six hours or even less if Baozi'll stop asking for rests.

He's just too smooth for this kind of things. Baozis are not meant for activities like such. "Quit Whining Baozi.  You're annoying me boi." An irritated mumble came out from Xiumin's lips. The youngest one here, rolled his eyes on our childishness.

Wait, isn't it a bother that Chen hasn't been making smart ass retorts?  He's to focused on this shitty challenge of mine. Guess someone really wants something. Jongdae stands up and yawns before picking up his bags then announces,  "Lets get going guys. The exit calls out to me."

Those words appear to be menacing sounds to Baozi's ears, lunging forward he complained, "Just how far is it? Were almost out of water!" He huffed out,  cheeks puffing in a cute manner. Damn Baozi, you didn't tell me you're secretly related squirrels. 

"Yah,  Kim Minseok! Why did you come here if you're just going to be like that?" I exclaimed , annoyed of his voice, eyeing him profusely waiting for his answer. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised a brow, "well?"

For some reason that only he knows,  blood rushed to his cheeks making him look like a tomato. "W-wellho-how."He stutters. Just what is his problem? Steaming gone wrong?

The short man and fidgets with the hem of his shirt,  unable to look at me in eyes he replies, "How can I leave you out here in nature's death trap?"

Kyungsoo's POV

The young couple both sighed heavily, proceeding to carry the fruits that we've gathered for today and turned around to walk to the camp. 

I too am impatient, being stuck here for days with just tiny berries to feed all of us, being careful because we might alarm wild animals and even our water supply is running out.  Everyone thinks about the same thing too,  wondering when can we leave. 

The biggest dilemma is that no one is even sure if Yujin Noona wants to leave.  Its bothering me that she appears to not be affected by any of this. What do I expect? It's her we're talking about.

At this point, my only hope is the people from outside this death trap,  searching high and low for us. 

Author's POV

The young man bit fiddled with the straw of his drink,  nervously waiting for Chanyeol to finish.  "Hyung, found them already?" He asked, impatient and worried of the danger that befall his beloved.

Fingers typing the keyboard furiously, eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip in the verge of bleeding from the hard bite he answered, "Almost, its hard though.  Seems like Yujin planned this real good. All the CCTV footages were erased and the garden records are all we have as hope."

Hearing this, Sehun felt weary and sipped his bubble tea fast. "Aith (Aish) they've been gone for freaking five dayth (days)  my gut feel ith (is) not tho (so) good." The sound of the phone ringing caught both men's attention as Chanyeol check the recipient and heaved a "Finally."

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