Chapter 25

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Okay so no shit really. It's been forever no? I was actually going to discontinue this one for my chanyel fic but finishing wouldn't hurt anyone. I'll skip to the wedding day.


\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

Author's POV

It's finally the day everyone has been waiting for, the couples blood, sweat,  amd tears poured into one event to finally declare their love to God.

Well no, not really the couple's effort because The Kim family did all of it but you know what I mean.

Sitting with a sore ass now is Yujin. The bride-to-be's brows almost met and so was the hired make-up artist. "Ma'am please don't dp that. Trust me I want to leave as much as you do." Jess—the make-up artist—practically begs as she distressingly worked her hand magic on Yujin's face. Still being uncooperative as ever Yujin now shuts her eyes close messing up the eyeliner.

"What—hey—Fuck my life! seriously—"

"Hey, no please thanks for your effort I'll take it from here." Baekhyun interrupts Jess's outburst and basically pushes her out of the room before turning to Yujin. "C'mere,  beyotch. I get that you're YOU but not now noona."

"Baek,  I'm tired, and sleepy."  Yujin whines. The younger ingnores her and goes straight to finishing her make-up.


"Hm wow gee thanks hoe."

Now fully prepared and might I add against her will at that the brunette stares blankly at her reflection and frowns. "Weird. I'm as excited as everyone is but I just can't shake this feeling that something awful is going to happen."

"Everything is going to be fine. Your father will walk you down and Umin Hyung will greet you with a smile. Like how everything should be. Now stop being bitchy and meet me outside in 5 minutes we can't keep them waiting."

Yujin hums. "Yeah, Baekhyun's right. I'm just being a bitch about this. After all what could go wrong?"

"It's not like some Latina Girl on crack would crash the wedding right?" She laughs and got up to leave but once she approaches the door her phone suddenly rings. Cheching the screen the bride now couldn't help but worry. "An unknown number."

"H-hello?" She answers only to be greeted by a background noise of cars giving her the clue that the caller was somewhere near roads. Minutes passed and still no response. "Seriously, if this is ond of those 'is your refrigerator running' kind of shit Stahp. I have a wedding going—"

Now,  faint whimpering could be heard. "A wedding huh? Great. I would congratulate you but...." A familiar voice finally speaks but ends the sentences in an inaudible voice.


Yujin one more gets interrupted,  now by the sound of the call ending. Shrugging it off, the bride leaves her room with a smile and meets Soojung and Baekhyun in the White Vehicle presumably provided for her.


Meanwhile at the Church the guests and staff were worried. Murmurs could be heard. The rushing of the footsteps could be noticed. The distressed look of the Kim brothers bothered everyone.

"Why now? Of all the times to be late why now?" Kai practically snaps in annoyance and Chen does his best to calm his brother down. Suho kept checking progress from the staff only to be dissapointed.

This is a very unexpected problem to encounter.

Luhan and Kris kept trying to call from their phones.

Mrs. Kim practically weeped on her husbands arms.

And Chanyeol could only do his best to reassure his family. 

Everyone was distressed.


And really unable to process thought.

"Nobody knew this would happen. We even heard from Haneul that they were on their way." Kyungsoo face palms.

"Really being a bitch about it now huh?" Tao murmurs.

"It's been almost an hour! Sesanghae......" Lay checks his wrist watch and updates in discomfort. He pats Sehun's back and tries his best to flash a reassuring smile. The younger failed to smile back and whispered in a disappointed tone, "Noona....."

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