Ice cream

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What a beautiful day! I was taking a walk with my dog Fenn and thought I'm going to get some ice cream.

"Hey Serena! Hey Fenn!" Said the blue haired girl. "Hey Dawn what's up?" "Just going to get some Ice cream, and you?" "Same, let's go together." Dawn nodded. As we walked to the park where the ice cream store was Dawn asked me this question. "Serena why don't you have a boyfriend yet, I mean girl you're 22!" "I don't know, I actually never thought of having one." "Serena c'mon you need to find someone today!" Dawn said confidently. "How am I able to find a nice guy in one day? SPLAIN THAT!"

Dawn and I arrived at the store. Dawn bought as usual chocolate. And I bought strawberry and for Fenn dogfriendly ice cream. Suddenly Dawn nodges me in the arm. "What Dawn?" "Isn't that the guy from middle school what was his name?" "Ash Ketchum." My jaw dropped when I saw him. Back then he was the definition of a nerd big glasses, he was really shy, didn't have many friends and he was bullied all the time. But I had a little crush on him I'm not going to lie.

But now... he's hot he has so much more muscles and he doesn't wear glasses anymore. "Uhm Serena you're drooling." "Huh what?" Oh crap this is so embarrassing! "Serena go talk to him!" Ok Serena you've got this! "H-hello." "Oh hey how are you?" "I'm fine thanks, and you?" "I'm cool, where are my manners! I'm Ash Ketchum nice to meet you!" Oh ma gawd those brown eyes!!! "I'm Serena." "Wait wait wait, Serena from middle school?" "Y-yes." "Oh my god Serena it's been so long." Ash hugs her. Oh god he's hugging me. Ash let go of the hug so as I. Dawn WHERE'S DAWN. I looked around but she was gone. "You looking for someone?" "Huh? Oh yes for my friend but she isn't here." Ash looked down and kneeled to pet Fenn. "No Ash- what???" "Hey little one what's her name?" How does he know it's a girl? Nevermind. "Her name is Fenn" "hey there Fenn nice to meet you." This is weird Fenn doesn't like it when I pet her. But why does she like it when he's petting her!? I don't understand!!! And I have her for 3 years!!! I should shut up. "Ash how are you so good with dogs?" "I'm a dog trainer, it's just a hobby nothing much." "Anyways Ash I had a great time but I have to go home now." "Oh that's ok btw here's my number, call me if you want to do something see ya." "Bye Ash it was great seeing you again!" And then he left.

I think I found the right guy.

The end^^^

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