When Love Met Destruction ( Marilyn Manson/ MIW)

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" Mom stop!" I said to my mother, laughing and pushing her slightly away from me, she was currently acting like a deranged teen in love, trying to be me.

" Oh, come on Doll, I'm just playing." she said, kissing my head. My mother and I have always been close, since it was just me and her with the occasional boyfriends but they came and went. My mom wasn't like the normal mothers. She had wild, red hair, olive skin and defiantly didn't look a day over twenty with her 5" 7 self, she also raised me on rock and roll, metal, heavy metal and well things that would fall into that category, by the time I was ten I knew every Marilyn Manson song that was up to date, he was my mom's favorite singer, and since we'er on the topic I'll tell you a little about me, my name is Kendall, but was shortened to Doll because of my pale skin, kinda like those porcelain dolls, I also have bright blue hair, a few piercing and gauges, I guess you can say I'm about 5'9. Yesterday was my eighteenth birthday but since my mom had to work we are celebrating it today, actually we are on our way to my favorite restaurant. We lived in a small town so we just walked everywhere which brings us back to now.

" You're weird, mum." No I don't have an accent, I just call her that.

" I know, but you--" She stopped and took off running for the street, what the hell was she doing?

" Mom?!" I yelled and followed her, I didn't see the car, bike or the little boy till it was to late and even then it didn't fully register what was happening. My mom pushed the little kid out of the way of the car, but she wasn't fast enough and was hit by the car struggling to stop in time causing me to break out into a run, but I couldn't get to her fast enough.

" MOM!" Falling to my knees, I tried to stop the bleeding from the the cut on her head with my shirt as I cried out to her, "MOM PLEASE!" Everyone was moving either to fast or to slow and I couldn't keep up, the driver called for 911 and the paramedics took years to get here, the bleeding started picking up and her heartbeat was slowing down. By time they let me in the ambulance and we where on are way, I could tell that she was gone. When they finally had her settled, it all came rushing to me about what just happened before I blacked out.

* Three hours later*

" Ms. Warner? How are you feeling?" The Doctor asked as I finally came to. I was laying in an empty bed in the hallway with a male doctor standing over me.

" How is my mom?" I asked jumping out of the bad, but just as quick grabbed the wall because I got light headed.

" I'm sorry, but there was two much damage. Your mother will be lucky if she lives through the night," he said " but your father is here."

" I don't have one." I looked at him confused.

" According to your next of kin, you do. if you follow me I will take you to him." I got up and followed him out of the room, stopping in the doorway shocked beyond all hell at who was waiting for me.

" Hi, Kendall." Marilyn said. Hold the fuck up, Marilyn Manson was now getting up from the cheep, plastic chair and was walking over to me. He was tall, I almost came up to his chin; he was in his traditional outfit of makeup, contacts and a kick ass black suit.

" Holy fuck! Your--- your--- WHAT!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, everyone stopped to look at me but I was to beyond caring to stop.

" Um, yeah, its a long story and not for right now. Your mom needs you." he said, then walked off, I'm guessing to my mom's room and I quickly followed him. Walking into her room, I instantly started crying, she looked so frail and weak, her once crazy hair was curtained around her head, she was almost as pale as me. Moving to her bed, I sat in the char that was sitting there, the only thing I heard was the beeping of her machine and Marilyn asking everyone to give us space.

" Mommy, please wake up. Please." I whispered. I stayed by her bed all day, only leaving to use the bathroom and get something to eat. Once or twice Marilyn would come into the room but I was to upset to talk much, but what I did get out of him was that he really did care about my mom and there defiantly was a story behind them. I didn't know what time it was but I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew she was flat lining and Doctors where everywhere. Marilyn came into the room to move me out of the way from her, but I did everything I could to stay by her; eventually Marilyn won and I couldn't do anything but cry.

" PLEASE! DO SOMETHING!" I was struggling to get out of Marilyn's arms, but he just held on tighter and was turning me away from the seen in front of me. After thirty minuets of them trying to save her, the doctor finally called it, my mom was gone and I was alone.

" Ken--" He started but I cut him off.

" Don't!" I yelled, twisted out of his arms and took off running, out of her room, the hospital, all the way back to my house. I didn't stop till I got to the front porch to exhausted to move anymore. I fell to my knees, painting, crying, and screaming. I heard a car behind me and multiple people got out, twisting around to see who it was; I barley had time to register that it was Marilyn and his band before I blacked out again.

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