The New Beginning

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Three days ago my mom died, I met my Father, and my world took a turn for the worse. I can't really tell you what happened over the last three days, everything was numb and just a plane out blur, Marilyn talked to me a few times about the old days with my mother.  

* Flashback*

" We met at  one of my concerts and it was like love at first sight, she was the first person I saw when I walked out on stage and invited her backstage. We ended up dating for a while but one day she told me that we didn't have a future with, me being on the road all the time,  at the time I thought she was right so I let her walk away, but I didn't know she was pregnant and I swear that if I did I would have never let her leave,"  he told me while holding an old picture of my mom holding me when I was a baby. " Kendall, I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you and that we had to meet under these circumstances, but I'm here now."

" Its um, Doll and I know Marilyn, she would always tell me that sometimes she wishes she never left my father, you, and that she wishes she could change it." I was sitting in a chair, watching him. He looked the exact same way as he did when I first saw him, but without the makeup " My mom loved you, my whole life you where what she would mostly listen to and I always thought that she was just some obsessed fan like I am with my bands but I get it now."  

" Really?"

" Yeah, I knew every up to date song by heart by the time I was ten." I told him, laughing. He laughed along with me, it was weird having him here. " So um, tomorrows a big day and all, with the packing and the funeral coming up, so I'm gonna head to bed." 

" Okay, goodnight Kendall." I started to get up when when he suddenly said, " Why Doll?''

" Pardon?"

" Why Doll?"

" My mom said I was always pale, and one day a women came up to her and asked where she got me thinking that I was a porcelain doll after that it just kinda stuck."  He laughed and for the first time since hes been here it was a real, deep, breath taking laugh.

" Really?" He managed to choke out in between breaths.

" Yeah, really. Night Marilyn." I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

* End of flashback*

" Doll! You ready?" Marilyn yelled from my doorway fulling me back into reality. I was standing in fount of my merrier getting ready for the funereal, I was wearing a dress with a white top and a black skirt with white crosses on it, my mom loved this dress it seemed only right that I wear it for her one last time. I also had black heals and jacket.

" Yeah, I'm coming." 

" The boys are also here, I want you to meet them before we leave."

" Oh, um, okay,"  I told him " I'll be down in a minuet."  He left and I heard him talking to people in the now empty kitchen. I took a few extra minuets to do one last walk though, every room was packed up and ready for their new owners; we decided to put my mom's things and anything I didn't need in storage and shipped out my stuff to where ever we where going. After the funereal we wern't coming back to the house so I made sure that I had everything.

" Oh, I think that her now." Someone said, I think it was Twiggy, but wasn't sure. The whole house was cold and empty, doesn't surprise me though my mom was the life of everything. Rounding the corner to the kitchen I was Marilyn with his back to me and four other people facing me.

" Um, Hai." I said to them, scared and nervous, Marilyn turned around and I was Twiggy, Fred, and two other men I didn't know. One had long black hair and brown eyes, the other had short black hair with brown eyes

" Hi! You must be Kendall!" Twiggy said, man he was really excited. 

" Its Doll, and yeah. You're Twiggy and Fred, but I don't know who you two are. Sorry."

" Hi, I'm Spencer Rollins." The one with short hair said.

" And I'm Jason Sutter." The one with long hair said.

" They are our touring members." Marilyn said.

" Its nice to meet you, but um, we need to get going, " I said to them, " but if you don't mind, I'm going to drive myself."  

" Okay." Marilyn said, handing me my keys.

On they way to the funeral I stopped to get yellow roses, my mothers favorite flowers, I know its not the normal thing to get but my mother wasn't normal so fuck it.  I ended up being the last person there, and man where there a lot of people, that's what happens when you live in a small town. Walking up to the casket, I gently laid the flowers down, no one said anything though out the ceremony  but they defiantly cried. People came up and offered there condolences and to give me a white roes, a tradition in the town, once everyone, minus Marilyn and band, was gone it was my turn to go up. I found myself once again next to where my mother was and softly dropped the roses, all one hundred and twelve.

" Goodbye Mommy," I whispered, turning away and walking back to the boys. " I'll follow you guys out." 

" Doll, are you okay?' Fred asked me.

" No."

" Are you sure you want to drive?" Twiggy said, standing next to me.

" Yes."

" Doll--"

"Guys, I get your worried but I need this time by myself," I said, well more like snapped at them " so can we please just go?'

" Of course." Marilyn said, then walked to his car, the boys walked to another one. " Twiggy and the others will follow behind you."

"Got it." I hopped into my green jeep, waiting for them to pull out when my phone started ringing.

" Hello?"

"You have a GPS?" Spencer's vice boomed from the other end.

" Yes."

" Put this in. 8845 Hollywood Drive, LA."

" Okay, got it." I said, then added, " Is this the band house"

" Its a bands house, but Marilyn will explain when we get there, safe driving kid." 

" You t--." He hung up before I could finish.

" Goodbye Connecticut,hello LA" I said to myself when I started my car. 

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