Hope is all you have

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Turnip head stands on the hill, his tux flapping in the wind. Watching the sun go down like It always has since the beginning of time.

He wonders if that girl will come back tomorrow. Night falls and the star spirits fall from the sky and tiptoe across the ground, he sits and watches them for a good hour then they stop falling.

The sun rises behind him and it's dawn. He sits there in hope that the girl will come back. The hours go on and soon it's dusk. Turnip head lost all hope and watched the sun start to set, then go past the horizon and disappear. The stars come out. "It's a real shame I can't even move my head to look up a the stars." he thinks. He has a sad feeling in his heart.

The hours of the night pass and the sun rises in the east.  The day moves on but turnip head wants to stay. No luck if anything.

Night falls again but this time it seems to have fallen faster than normal .

The next day comes and he stands on the hill.  He looks off into the distance and sees a girl walking closer and closer.

His lights up with joy. He sees a basket in her hand and a blanket in the other.
She climbs up the hill and stands by him. She then lays her blanket down in the soft grass and  and pulls out an egg salad  sandwich, pear, biscuit, and a ginger ale bottle.

She digs in and takes a bite of her pear and looks off into the distance.

"You know little scarecrow, I'm so alone." She says, "nobody likes me, I'm real nice to them but they all hate me."

"Oh what am I doing, talking to a scarecrow, that's absurd." She says.

"I don't care, there's nobody around and I don't have a body to talk to, so I might as well." She says thinking out loud.

She take a drink if her ginger ale and looks at turnip head. " I feel so lost, or wrapped up." She says
"Look at me, I never even told you my name,My name is Carly ."

"Anyway I just want to run away and live someplace else. I want to find my fortune and live In some paradise."
She says. She finishes her picnic and chucks the eaten pear off the hill.
"You don't seem to have a care in the world little scarecrow." She says.
She packs up and looks at turnip head.
"I will be back tomorrow to talk more because your the only one that listens."

She stares at the grass. "Hehe, I have a scarecrow as a physiatrist." She says.

She walks down the hill and turnip head watches her slowly disappear.

She was wrong about on thing. He has a lot to care about in this world.

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