not so lonely anymore

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night falls and turnip head is glad that he got to see a human and actually talk to him.

morning comes and the sun comes up behind him.

He sees a totoro rolling down a hill and a wild cat but not the girl.

he waits for her and dusk comes again, he sees her in the distance.  she is holding a fairly sized easel and two canvases, but no paints she also has a small blanket. she climbs up the hill and meets him. "Wow that was a work out." she says to him.  "You might be wondering why i brought these things with me, "She says as she lays them on the ground. "well i want to paint this sunset tomorrow, but i didn't bring paint so your gonna watch these things tonight and ill be back at the same time tomorrow." she says.

she goes off and talks about some of the things that are troubling her and talks about her life when she was six and how she had little crushes. 

He loved hearing these stories.

she gets up and says "Well, i guess its time to go home, but first you need a name little scarecrow, hmmm..... i know i will just call you crow." she says with a smile.

she goes down the hill and back home.

  (we are going to call him crow from now on so don't get confused.)

Night falls and he actually has a dream for once in months.

the sun rises and he waits for her to come back.

and right on time she arrives, she has paints with her and is ready to paint the beautiful sunset. she gets to the top and sets up her easel and a canvas. then she gets some brushes and starts.

she starts with the whole canvas dark blue then adds in the hills, she then makes a lot of the canvas yellow and then to orange,touch of red and what do you know sh has painted a beautiful painting of the sunset. 

Crow was amazed by her talent in painting and wanted to see some more of it. "There, I'm done, you like it."

in his mind he is saying yes but sadly can't speak.

she then pack the canvas and waves goodbye. "Ill be back again tomorrow."

When sun sets on feather hillWhere stories live. Discover now