A Single Minute

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Merlin's POV:

I was alone. It seemed as if I was alone for hours after Morgana had cast her spell and left. The only thing I had to occupy me was the sound of my own breathing. And I still hadn't figured out what her spell meant. It seemed that my weak magic was the only thing keeping me sane right then, but i needed something to do with my mind. So, I strained it to figure out the spell. 

"unc béon ándaga sixtigwintrere cier ceakka be Arthur" That was the spell, but what did it mean? Unc. That was a simple word. It was a simple you, in case someone wanted to cast their spell on a person directly in front of them. Béon was a word to indicate state of being, such as are or is. Then there was ándaga, which meant an appointed time. Sixtigwintere was a number, simply sixty, but that could mean anything from 60 years to 60 minutes, or 60 seconds. 

That much took me an hour to figure out, my poor mind was under so much stress. So far, the sentence roughly translated to "You have a time of 60 units....." And the rest was unknown. 

It fell into place two hours later when I began to hear the voices.  That which my mind didn't tell me, my weak but still fighting magic and soul did. "You have 60 seconds after being seen by Arthur, until your soul is taken from you" In other words, not good. Hopefully, though that countdown would begin after I had been pulled out and not before.

"Where is he?" The words came out of nowhere, in the only voice I could ever have wanted to hear. 

"Arthur, is that you?" I lifted my head as far as I could to stare at the dark ceiling. 

"Merlin? Merlin, keep talking! We'll get you out!" Hmm, not a difficult job for me.

"Arthur, you need to know, once you pull me out we won't have a lot of time!" The door opened, and suddenly there was light shining down on me. It seemed so bright after those hours in the dark, even though the light was dim. 

"Merlin? What are you on about?" 

"Just... you'll see, just get me out!" A rope fell down the tunnel. 

"There ya go, Merlin. Grab on, we'll pull you up!" With both hands, Merlin held onto the thick rope dangling in front of him, at the same moment his body began moving upwards, he heard John's voice, loud enough for everyone to hear, although i was the only one to understand why he was upset,

"Damn it, Merlin!" John knew what was happening, it seemed. 

I was at the top of the shaft, Arthur, on his knees, clutched my hand pulled me the rest of the way. Sixty seconds. What could I do in sixty seconds? 

"Merlin, what were you-"

"Arthur, shut up for a moment. let me talk, just this once, okay?" What was i even going to say? How much time did i have? 


"L-L.... Listen, Arthur," fifty seconds left, "I need to.... You're my best friend, you know that right?" Forty-five. 

"What, Merlin? Of course you're my best friend, what are you talking about?"  Forty.

"Arthur, I'm going to go to sleep... for a really long time," Arthur's eyes were suddenly ride. Those beautiful blue eyes full of worry and fear. 

"Merlin, what are you- You're not going to die!" twenty five seconds. 

"Listen, Arthur... I'm not going to die, j-just.... Hold me, please. Be with me right now," 

"Merlin, no! You're not going to die! You clotpole, can't you do this much for once?" ten seconds, but he was holding me. Didn't he listen when I talked to him?



"Royal arse," Arthur chuckled at that one, his eyes watery as we both remembered that first meating. Five seconds left.

"Arthur, listen... Please. I'm not dying, I'm just... Gaius will bring me back, just trust him..." Then the world flashed red, black, white. It felt like I was burning. My arms and my legs were being ripped from my body, my head was exploding. A white hot pain beginning in my waist traveled a burning path up to my throat and was ripped out of my body. I didn't realize I was withering, or screaming, until all was still and silent. 

And my last thought?

I forgot to tell him I love him.

Author's Note: Short chapter, i know, but an important one.... And somebody else could have written it better, but still....

It seems I'm getting less and less talkative in the author's notes. I wonder why... Do you guys even read this part?

Hope you all enjoyed!

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