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After we finished eating and drinking some coffee, we all went our separate ways to get ready to go. Mr. and Mrs. Mars went to their room, Jay went to his room and locked it, probably to get dressed, and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Ten minutes later we all walk into the living room and have a look at each other.

Mr. Mars wore some white-collar shirt and blue slacks. His wife wore a grey t-shirt and jeans. I wore my favorite green polo and some cargo shorts. We quickly exchanged compliments to each other and then just stood there, waiting for Jason.

It was almost a full five minutes later when Jay finally came out, he had his shorts on and a Dragon Ball t-shirt that was obviously way too small for him.

"Sorry I took so long," he said. "I had to search my entire room to find this."

He grabbed the collar and tugged on it to show off the shirt, but because it was so small on his muscular body the shirt stretched and made a loud ripping sound, as if it was crying out in pain.

Jay's mom let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm surprised that after all these year that shirt still... somewhat fits you." She joked.

Jay snorted and looked at her. "Yeah, but it brings back good memories." He explained. "Maybe when we get back to Southeast-"

"Oh, don't even mention school." Jake interrupted him. "You two are on vacation, a time to relax and have fun. So just enjoy yourself."

Jason suddenly looked up at Jake and gave him an odd look, as if he was trying to say:

Did you just say something nice to me?

Jake smiled and pulled out some keys from his pocket, then walked to the door. We followed him outside ​and then got into the backseat a blue colored Cadillac that had to be at least 35 years old, but from what I could tell Jake really took care of this car so well, there wasn't any scratches or dents, and it still had a new car smell.

Jake and his wife say in the front seat, while Jay and I sat in the back. We all buckled up, then Jake started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I looked out the window and watched the quick flashes of the houses and trees fly by us for several minutes, then I felt something slide over my paw. I looked down and saw Jay's paw over my own, it wrapped around my palm and soon we were secretly holding each other's paws.

"You alright?" Jay whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, still looking down at our paws.

I watched as Jay wiggled out a digit from under my paw, then it started to stroke the middle of my ring digit. He moved it from one side to the next, almost making a curving shape on it. I doted my eyes back up at Jay and saw him staring at what he was doing, it looked like he was in some sort of trance... Possibly imagining something on my digit.

I was just about to ask Jason what he was thinking, when we felt the car come to a complete stop.

"Okay guys, we're here." Mrs. Mars said.

I looked out the window and saw a huge airplane hanger, with a huge park out in front full of memorials and statues. There were even some furs, both young and old, wearing Air Force uniforms standing outside of the museum's entrance, greeting and assisting the guest as they came in. It actually looked like a full-fledged base, minus the large amounts of tourists.

"Impressed are we Mr. Bacchus?" Jake asked calling me by my last name.

"Looks pretty cool." I replied. "Can't wait to see what's inside."

Jake nodded and parked the car near the entrance. We all got out and begin to make our way to the entrance. When we got inside, we had to go through security, then we entered the great hall of the air base. To the right was the gift shop and to our left was the information desk.

"I missed coming here." Jake thought out loud. "It's changed much since our last family outing, which is fine by me."

"Mmmhmm." Jay muttered to himself in agreement.

We walked to the info desk, where Jake checked the tour schedule, seeing when the next one would begin. Turns out the next tour was due at 11:30, less than two or three minutes from now. We all made our way to a large group in the center of the hall, where the tour would begin. Just as we got there, a young, purple wolf, wearing an Air Force uniform walked over to the group and greeted us.

"Good morning Everyone! And welcome to the Wright-Patterson Air Base." The wolf greeted us with a wide smile. "My name's Cadet Emerald and I'll be your guide and teacher through the amazing history of aviation. I hope you all are just as excited as I am!"

I rolled my eyes when he said, 'history of aviation,' it's not that I don't like learning new things, it's just that he sounded so rehearsed is what got me. But I brushed the thought away as we began to walk to the first exhibit: The Pioneers of Aviation.

QB and the Nerd: Road Trip  (Furry) (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now