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Man. Meilin and Conner's faces? HILARIOUS! It was a good 10 minutes of Meilin and Conner scowling at us and me and Callie's laughter.

"Let's get going. We're supposed to meet Abeke and Rollan there." Meilin said while grabbing my ear and pulling me up onto Tellun's Pride 2.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" I said. I heard Callie's laughter follow us. She dragged me below deck to where we would be staying. I pushed away some crates and made a bed before walking back up the latter to the deck and watched the shore disappear behind. I walked to the front and summoned Suka. She licked the side of my face.

After a few minutes, I heard laughing below. I looked over the railing and saw Callie sitting on top of water!?

"Callie! What are you doing?!" I yelled scared. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm sitting on one of the two Rockback whales. They're telling me jokes." She said before trailing her hand in the water next to her.

"Won't you fall in?" I asked confused by her talking to the whales.

"Oh! I won't fall in. M will make sure of that. Even if I do, I won't drown." Callie said while looking back up to me. "If it'll make you feel less nervous me and M can come back up there.: She said while standing.

"It would make me feel better." I murmured. She smiled and grabbed the rope and started climbing back up. She came over the railing and froze. She was looking at Suka. Her mouth hung open with wide crystal blue eyes.

"S-S-Suka." She whispered. A pile of hair on her head trembled. "M. I think she wants to see you." She said out loud. The lump moved to her shoulder, changing to an orange and pink coral octopus with dark brown eyes. I stared open mouth.

"M is short for Mulop." She explained while Suka walked over to the octopus. They looked into each others eyes before Suka leaned her head forward and Mulop put a tentacle on her nose.

"Glad to see you two know what each other's Spirit Animal is. Now I think they need to meet ours Conner." Said Meilin appearing out of no where. I jumped as two flashes of light whipped my vision. Jhi was there and so was Briggan.

Suka walked up to Briggan while Jhi made a happy sound and walked up to Mulop as he slide off Callie. Suka stared at the wolf before she nudged him and he licked her face. Jhi stood up with Mulop on her back. Mulop was waving his tentacles in the air. Callie giggled while Suka played tag with Briggan. I was getting tired so I went below deck and instantly fell asleep after feeling the warmth that told me Suka went in passive state.

Spirit Animals: Sibling TwistWhere stories live. Discover now