| A Day to Remember | Sheriff Thompson x Kidnapped!Reader (Eddsworld)

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Pronouns/Gender: Female - Her/She/Hers

Summary: While the Sheriff and his appointed Detective have a quiet day, they are warned about some crimes being committed, along with hearing about a dear friend of theirs being dragged into it.


It seemed to be a normal afternoon in the good ol' town of Spitbucket, USA. Sheriff Thompson cherished the newfound quietness of the day, leaning on the doorframe, he pulled out his trusty silver flask and took a quick shot of the whiskey inside. The peace was soon interrupted by his deputies groan of boredom.

"Ugh, Thompson there's no crime anymore!" The boy whined, laying down on the saloons dusty wooden porch. With another sip of whiskey and a sigh, the sheriff spoke. "And that's a bad thing?" He commented with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, a smug smirk tugging at his lips.

Deputy Edward shot up from his comfortable position, staring at the man running towards them, waving his arms frantically. "Sheriff! Deputy! The Bandits are at it again!" They wailed, hands hastily moving with each word he spoke. His worries brought the two vigilantes out of their relaxed state, gaining their complete attention.

Shoving the flask back into his deep coat pocket, Thompson questioned the stranger. "Where are they and what have they done?"

"They hijacked the train station that was about to deliver goods and took the entire place hostage!" The poor man seemed as if he was about to have a breakdown. Loading his gun, the tall man nodded at his partner, signaling him to follow him towards the scene of the crime.

The station was filled with numerous civilians, prompting the duo to prepare their plan of attack before making a faulty move. Bandits had roped up various innocent people inside the wooden building, some threatened by a captor with a gun for not remaining still.

"Let go of me you bastard!" A woman snarled at her captor. He rolled his deep brown orbs and kicked her side, forcing her body to roughly hit the floor. Thompson recognized the voice, it was (Y/n). The bandit snatched her collar, forcing her back up to only pistol whip her on the side of her face, sending her down once more.

"That's what you get for talking back, slut." Other tied up victims suddenly went quiet, fearing that the torture the (h/c) haired girl had received would happen to them if they had disobeyed.

"You can kick me, you can hit me, but I will never do anything you say, asshole." (Y/n) spat at her attacker, eyes full of fury. She began to lift herself upright, wincing at the pain her enemy had inflicted to her side.

Just as the man was raising his arm to strike her again, his associate stopped it before it came down. "She's useless to us. We came for what was in there, not her." The masked adult spoke, nodding his shaggy blonde hair at the still train. Growling at (Y/n), the brown eyed boy caved in, lowering his arm back down and following the other man to the train before tying a bandana around her mouth to shut her up.

Watching the fight from afar with a snarl, the Sheriff cocked his revolver and started to angrily stride over to the train station before a hand reached out and tugged on his shoulder, temporarily stopped him in his tracks. "Thompson, we can't just waltz in there without a plan!" Deputy Gold warned, removing a hand from his friends shoulder.

"Dammit I don't care if we don't got a plan. I can't keep standing here comin' up with one while I watch (Y/n) get beat by them!" The Sheriff snapped back, causing Edward to flinch at his sudden anger.



The sound of glass being shattered and gunshots provoked screams from the kidnapped civilians, alerting the two vigilantes to whip their heads towards the station. "Okay, yeah now is a possible time to go in." The brown haired man commented, triggering the duo to sprint full force to the source.

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