|Software Instability| Human!Connor x Android!Reader (D:BH)

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Spoilers: MAJOR SPOILERS....for basically the entire game. Some depending on the paths you choose.

Pronouns/Gender: Not Specified. They/Them/Theirs

POV: 3rd(?) (You, Yours, Yourself)

Summary: Basically; AU where Connor is human and you're an android. You're assigned to Lieutenant Anderson along with his son, Detective Anderson. Along the way you seem to develop a certain glitch in your software from being around Connor so much. Y'all already know whats up.

A/N: I made Connor Hank's son in this AU because I feel like it would fit. I don't ship them romantically, more of platonically.  I apologize but for once I'm going to state my opinion. I don't really like the Connor x Hank romance version of the ship so, sorry! It's fine if you ship it, just please if you do don't hate on me for making them father & son. It's just an AU.


You straighten your posture as you entered the DPD, arms placed respectively behind your back. Stepping up to the front desk, you exchanged information with the android secretary before making your way in to meet the two detectives as their assigned RX800 android model by Cyberlife. You received many side glances from other office workers, but their judgments and opinions about an android in the workplace meant next to nothing to you while you found Lieutenant Anderson and his son, Connor. The pair were going through deviant murder cases, often sighing and groaning about how quick deviancy was continuing to spread throughout Detroit.

Once both men noticed you, you politely introduce yourself. "My name is (Y/n), I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. I am here to help assist your deviant cases."

Hank let out a scoff, commenting on how ironic an android being sent to investigate androids was. Connor on the other hand seemed to stare at you in what you deemed to be amazement, his mouth open slightly and eyebrows raised. "Pardon me, but is my presence bothering you, Detective Anderson?" You questioned, the faint redness in his cheeks fading while he started to clean up the manila case folders.

"Great, now we've got a plastic on our side. Somethin' wrong, kiddo?" He teased Connor, giving him a joking nudge at his shoulder. The younger of the duo refused to meet your analytical eyes, his body a bit tense. "N-No, everything's fine! Just forgot about how an android was going to work with us is all. I'm fine." You flashed him a small smile, your core programming hoping to work well alongside your new coworkers.

From time to time, you'd bring Connor coffee when he'd stay late nights at the office going over paperwork he could only dream he didn't have to do, the bags under his eyes growing from sleepless nights. You offered a couple times to do it for him, his answer always being 'You already do so much, don't worry about it', to which you responded by saying that you were programmed to do it if requested. The Detective's behavior continuously seemed odd to you, being as how everyone else in the office treated you like the machine that you are, yet he treated you like any other person he'd talk to. And it invited something into your coding that was foreign to you.

You refused to tell either of your partners, including Cyberlife out of fear of being replaced or deactivated. But.....you aren't supposed to feel fear, it's not in your programming. You are supposed to tell Cyberlife without hesitation if there are issues in your software, yet you didn't.

You thought it best to keep these malfunctions to yourself in the meantime.



You came across another Detective by the name of Gavin Reed, his cocky attitude putting everyone off in a 2 mile radius of wherever he was.  You'd think nothing of his snide remarks regarding your entire being or how pathetic you were as a detective android compared to him.

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