Getting Started | Sniper x Assistant!Reader (TF2)

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Pronouns/Gender: Female - She/Her/Hers

Summary: You're Miss Paulings assistant, who has just been introduced to the RED team. Your job is to keep track of everything and help out. Who would've thought that you'd develop feelings?


News had gone around the base of the RED mercenaries about a new assistant to Miss Pauling, and boy did rumors spread. Would she be exactly like Miss Pauling? Does she have a sweet personality, or a sour one? Many questions circulated among the men day by day until they were to eventually meet her during a joint meeting.

The time for your first meeting sent little bubbles of anxiety throughout your system, a tad bit nervous of how you were to act in front of so many 'professional' figures. In order to relax, you started to take deep breaths in, and long breaths out; everything would be fine. Hoping to get more energy in your system, you mentally pumped yourself up whilst dressing up in the appropriate attire that Miss Pauling had given you. Donning the outfit consisting of a simple blouse, black pencil skirt, stockings, and black shoes, you headed out of your apartment, joining your sort of-boss in her car.

Aqua eyes trained on the road ahead, she attempted to break the silence. "It's not going to be as bad as you're expecting it to be, (Y/n)." She lightly teased with a small smile. "Not a lot happens around Teufort, so more likely than not, the mercenaries will be excited to see the new member." You didn't deny that, it was more of them being disappointed of her as a whole. "Thank you, Miss Pauling. I plan to offer all that I can." You spoke plainly. If there was one thing you knew how to do well, it would be keeping your emotions in check, no expressions were to be shown if they were not needed. "Remember; you're going to be in the base with them often, it helps me keep check on events and just them in general." With a quick nod, it was silent for the rest of the ride, the outside world seeming more interesting to you both.


The heavy steel double doors stood before you, prompting you to fix anything on your person that was out of place or unprofessional. Placing a warm hand on your tense shoulder, Miss Pauling once again tried to calm your anxiety ridden thoughts. "Relax, (Y/n)." Flashing her a sliver of a smile, you thanked her. She pushed open the thick front doors to reveal a ramp leading down into the base, the lingering smell of fire, metal, and alcohol flooding out of the building and invading your senses. "I take it that it always smells this way?" You half joked, plugging your nose while trying to waft away the odors. A single shrug came from the other woman as she lead you down the ramp and into the base.

"Miss Pauling! You're here!" Came a cheerfully loud voice. Your boss quietly groaned as a man with red themed clothing came into sight, carrying a baseball bat with faded blood stains on it. "And ya brought the other girly too! Nice ta meet ya, I'm Scout." He proudly said, striding over to you while slinging his free arm around your neck. Sighing, Miss Pauling replied, "Yes we're both here, now where are the others?" Scout stared at the wall before snapping his fingers. "Oh yeah! Some are still sleepin, while da others are probably drunk and whatnot." The sandy haired scout twirled his bat occasionally while talking with the administrators assistant, often sending her flirts or winks.

With another elongated sigh, Miss Pauling dodged around Scout, grabbing you by the wrist and tugging you along further into the hallways. "Sorry Scout, but we have a meeting to attend, and so do you! Go wake up the others and make sure the rest are sober!" She called back to him, cupping her mouth as she did. "Miss Pauling, are you ok? You seem quite stressed out." You asked, seeing as how her hand would now and then twitch. "No, not really. God you ask for a simple meeting with these boys and the only one whos ready is the one that never pays attention!" She huffed, pouting ever so slightly.

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