|A New Reflection| Matt x Reader (Eddsworld)

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(EDIT 4/16/18 I finally decided to fix the error where I said the reader was trapped for 86 years instead of 26.......my bad my dudes yall aint grannies.)

Pronouns/Gender: Female - She/Her/Hers

Summary: Shopping for a mirror can be hard for Matt, but when he realizes that there's more than one reflection in this new mirror of his, he becomes interested.


It was a simple day for the narcissistic ginger, going mirror shopping and hitting on ladies at the local stores. Proudly strolling into a thrift shop, he came across a bathroom section, discovering a plethora of mirrors to admire himself in.

Taking a minute to look at the mirrors, he found a quaint little hand mirror.

He gently grabbed the handle, lifting it up to see his reflection, posing in the process

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He gently grabbed the handle, lifting it up to see his reflection, posing in the process. "My my! This one seems to compliment me quite nicely!" Matt spoke to himself, continue to lovingly gaze at himself. "This one will do!" He smiled, paying for the mirror and walking home.

Whilst returning home, the man failed to notice anything but the reflection of his face, causing him to take a slight turn into the street, right into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

"Watch out!" A voice warned, his eyes tearing away from the hand mirror to see the car heading straight at him. He dived to the side, avoiding the car just in time, the hand mirror slipping out of his hand and onto the sidewalk.Standing up, the ginger dusted himself off, swiping the antique item off the curb.

"That was close! Who yelled at me though?" The Brit pondered, shrugging his shoulders and continuing down the path. Unlocking the front door, Matt stepped inside and plopped down on the couch, going back to his favorite pastime of looking at himself in the mirror.

There was no reflection of himself in the mirror, causing him to furrow his brows with confusion, staring at the reflective glass for a long time. Without warning, a (h/c) haired girl appeared, making Matt scream and drop the mirror. "H-Hey! You didn't have to drop it!" The same voice from earlier scolded.

Picking the mirror back up slowly, he stared at the figure in the mirror, a million questions roaming through his mind at once. "Who....how...why?" The ginger asked at once, receiving a giggle from the girl in his mirror. "I should probably introduce myself. I'm (Y/n), I've been stuck in this mirror for 26 years." The news shocked him, how could one possibly be trapped in a mirror?

"B-But, why? Who trapped you?" Matt's voice was filled with concern and excitement.

"Well, uh, when I wasn't trapped in here, I used to hate looking in mirrors. I felt so insecure about myself, and one day a girl I worked with thought I didn't look in mirrors because I thought I was perfect in every way. She got angry at me, for something that wasn't even true. Before she left work that day, she yelled at me, 'cursing' me to be imprisoned in the very thing I hated..."

Matt listened to every word she said, leaning on the edge of his metaphorical seat. "Oh, that's awful."

"What's awful?"

Matt quickly hid the mirror in his overcoat, smile innocently to his brown haired friend. "Oh, um, I was admiring myself in my mirror when I realized that I've gotten a bit of baggage under my eyes." He explained, switching his innocent look to a worried one. Edd seemed satisfied with his answer, rolling his eyes and walking into the kitchen.

The cyan hued ginger rushed up to his room, closing the door behind him and sitting on his bed.

Pulling out the hand mirror from his coat, he tapped on the glass. "(Y/n), are you still there?" No response. He frowned, thinking that it was just a wide awake dream. Suddenly, her face popped up on one of his mirrors, smiling widely.

"This is amazing! You have so many mirrors!" Matt watched in awe as she hopped from mirror to mirror, smiling and waving at him until stepping into his full bodied mirror. Almost leaping off his bed, he stepped over to the large mirror, seeing his new friend in full bodied. "Wow, you can hop from mirror to mirror?"

"Mhm!" (Y/n) grinned, her (e/c) orbs staring into his. "You're beautiful." Matt murmured to himself, a lazy smile curving his lips. "From now on, you can live with me, (Y/n)." Her friend told her, inspiring the cursed girls smile to grow only brighter.

Unable to hug him, the (e/c) eyed girl placed her palm against the glass, hoping for her friend to set his hand against the glass as well.

And he did, his newfound love for this girl growing by the minute.


A month had flown by, bonding with his mirror bound companion. The ginger would carry a mirror at all times for her, rather than looking at himself within its reflective glass. The pair were currently laughing their asses off, (Y/n) telling embarrassing stories of  when she was in high school with her cyan eyed crush.

"So, so, I told the hall monitor that instead of yelling at me for running, he could go run his mouth of to someone else!" The girl laughed hysterically, rolling on the floor in her mirror. "Oh my god you should've seen the look on his face! I got detention that afternoon from that!"

Matt laughed along with her, clutching his stomach from how hard they had been laughing. "Love, you're a riot!" He chuckled, wiping away the tears from his eyes and sprawling out on the the carpet next to his landscape mirror.

(Y/n) stopped laughing, her mind getting lost in her thoughts.

"Hey Matt? Have you seen my mirror?"

"Now that you mention it, I don't know where I put it."

Their eyes widened, prompting the ginger to rush downstairs are search for (Y/n)'s original hand mirror. Edd and Tom sat on the couch, watching re-runs of Professor Why and groaning at the shows logic. Matt stood in front of the TV, wearing a panicked expression on his features.

"Have you seen an old detailed hand mirror anywhere?" He rushed, impatiently waiting for a response from his sluggish housemates. "I think I put it in your old room." Edd said blandly, motioning his thumb behind him.

Wasting no time, Matt ran to his old room, slamming open the door and rummaging through the various useless items. Moving on to the next pile of junk, he pushed aside heavy objects, hearing the thud of their weight on the wood floors.

The breaking sound of glass made his heart stop, snapping his head over to what had caused the noise. Using all his strength, he hauled the heavy pile to the side, freezing in place when he had found (Y/n)'s mirror, the glass shattered and handle broken off.

Clutching sadly onto the hand mirror pieces, he trudged back to the attic, awaiting whatever terrible fate he had caused for his dear (Y/n). His heart felt heavy, his chest tightened with dread. Arriving at his room, he glanced up from the floor, seeing none other than the woman he loved, no longer imprisoned in a mirror.

In a flash, he picked her up and happily spun her around, smiling like a madman.

"Thank goodness you're alright! I thought I had hurt you!" Matt rejoiced, tears pricking at the corner of his cyan eyes. He set her down, immediately interlocking his lips with (Y/n)'s, tilting her head back to deepen it.

Her hands were placed softly against his chest, her body becoming almost flush against his from his tight embrace. Coming out of the kiss, Matt rested his chin on top of (Y/n)'s head, sighing with content. "Until I've met you, I've only thought about myself. Buying mirror after mirror to see my handsome face in. You've finally given me something worth admiring."

The couple became lost on each others eyes, looking at nothing but their partner.

"Hey Matt, are you ok I he-"

Edd pushed open the attic door above him to check on Matt, knocking over a mirror behind him causing it to shattered and scare the living hell out of the two lovebirds.

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