Chapter 7

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"So, how did it go?" Stacy's nosiness rises up. She has done nothing but pry the whole day. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I would still be sleeping in bed.

She's been trying to make me spill the details that took place last night, not that I won't tell her but can't she wait for a few more minutes? I'm not really that hungry but the sweet aroma of the steak just makes me want to savor it as soon as possible.

I looked up at the antsy waitress, completely ignoring Stacy's question. "I'll have the medium-sized steak please" She jots it down her notepad and riveted on Stacy

"Look, Diana. If you don't want to tell me, it's completely fine. I mean, it's your life after all" She holds my hand that was resting on the table, reassuring me.

The waitress coughed, reminding us of her presence. "I'm having what she's having" She smiled at her. She wrote it down and left, not saying another word.

I feel her hand squeezing mine "I did not get any sleep last night because of this news! You better tell it to me now or we have to do this the hard way which will still make you tell me. Don't make me juice it out!" She whisper-shouted. I smiled at her, typical.

"He's the only son right?" I asked for confirmation and she nodded in eagerness "I found ample clues Stace. He...or she was wearing that perfume you gave me on my birthday! Not only that but his bedroom content was full of feminine objects and colors!" I freaked out. "There were lip gloss, posters of winx club and such!"

"Then there's no doubt" She raises our tangled hands and leans forward "Luke is gay" She stares into my eyes, blocking the world out. For a moment, all I can see is Stacy's face.

"Now where do ya'll expect me to put these?" The waitress surprises us with both of her hands carrying the trays "You teenagers are so full of yourselves" She puts the trays on our table when we finally removed our hands "Ya'll should be studying and not talk about boys" The grumpy waitress speaks.

"Says the girl who flirts with every guy" Stacy mumbles and I immediately gave her the look, the look that says stop it

"What did you just say?" The waitress is really not giving up on this is she? She places both hands on her hips and Stacy doesn't hesitate to stand up and photocopy her action.

"You heard me" Oh Stace, why do you have to be a war freak.

"You don't know me, so don't you dare judge me!" She steps closer to Stacy. I should take action.

"The same goes with us!" She fights back. I shouldn't just sit here and watch these two fight.

"Okay!" I stand up and stood in between them "This has just been a funny misunderstanding." I chuckled nervously "Prepare to laugh" I tremulously smile

"Get out of this you hag" She swats me away with her arm, making me stumble sideways.

"What did you just call my friend?" Stace is apparently angry now. I think everyone gets the memo starting from her demeanor to her fisted knuckles. I should stop her before it gets out of control. Yes, I should. As her bestfriend, it's my responsibility to get her out of this mess.

" It's not just her that is a hag, you are too" the lady insults.

Oh it's on

Without a minute wasting, Stacy and I both jumped onto her and grabbed whatever hair we can grab. Everything was a fuzz. I felt hands grabbing me, pulling me away...


"How did we end up here again?" I ask my bestfriend who looks like she hasn't groomed herself for a week. From all that messy hair and smeared make-up, stained shirt and broken sandals.

"She called us a hag" She laughed as she puts the ice pack on her forehead. "You look like hell"

"Speak for yourself" I joined her laughter. Come to think about it, it's not a very big deal. I still don't get it why I attacked her in the first place. Her insult wasn't that harsh to be honest.

The cranky waitress, who seems to be around her 20s, stares at us from across the chair. We're currently in custody. My first time and hopefully my last too. I am so dead if my family finds out.

I'm not scared nor degraded because I was reasonable..sort of.

"So, have you young delinquents worked things out?" The police officer enters "that was quite a show you three made at 11 in the morning" He sits at his desk, eyeing all three of us.

"Diana, do you have any guardian since your family's out of town? I can't let you go without talking to one. They need to sign some papers" perfect " Give me your phone" he can't be serious " Diana, your phone, now" he's serious.

I delved it out, mad as ever, and unlocked it. Stacy's lucky that she left hers.

Just as I handed it to the cop, the alarm rang. Why did I set an alarm at 12 in the afternoon in the first place. The police officer scrolls through my log.

"Stacy, mom, .." He mutters as he scrolls "Luke.."

"Stop there!" The devil paused Matt, the cop's name as it is written all over his desk. "Luke. She's somewhat associated with that gay" She smirks at us before realizing what she actually said "I mean guy"

You have to be kidding me.

Matt went outside, bringing my phone with him.

"You son of a bitch" Stacy exasperatedly grumbles

"It's actually daughter. As you can see, I'm a girl, not a boy" She smiles, a sinister one.

I hate her.

"You're a girl? Shocking! All this time I thought you were a boy!" Stacy gasped in sarcasm and I joined her little act. It was fun, not a fair fight but fun.

Watching her brows furrow satiates my vindicate hunger.

"So Luke is your brother. You told me that all your family members went on vacation!" The police officer enters, handing me my phone back. "Diana, in this building, you can't lie to us because the truth will come out!" He proudly exclaims "So buckle up, he's on his way" He opens his drawer and takes out a doughnut as he extends his legs and places his muddy boots on his desk.

"So he's your brother, intriguing" The ruthless witch in front of us goaded

I looked at Stacy, both of our faces completely baffled and scared.

Oh god.


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