Optional reading

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▶️⚠️⚠️Please read this an to avoid confusion.⚠️⚠️◀️

So I started this fanfic in 2015. It's almost 2019 as of now. After writing the first few chapters, I realized I really was not happy with how the story was going. Instead of just abandoning this work, because it's dear to me, I decided to revise my old work. When I announced the revision to my readers and asked them what I should do with my old work, it was delete or keep it. I left it up to poll. Survey said to keep the work. This chapter specifically is the old, discontinued work. The new revised work is still being updated and worked on. I just took every old chapter and combined it here so people could still view it, as poll wished.

Even if this old version of Buy The Stars seems to be more popular, I'm far more happy writing what I have going. This version will never be updated. Best not to even bother reading it lol. People have been -passively putting it- rather sore losers about it so please don't be like that, I don't wanna have to end up removing this chapter from the public. Im usually cool about stuff like this but I can only take so much before saying something. I'm making this clear now, don't be a dick to me over this.

This chapter is just an optional read. This old story is not relevant to my new one. (Well bits and pieces are included and referenced here and there but not enough to matter.)

▶️▶️ Just skip this one if you want to get to the actual story. ◀️◀️

Thanks for understanding, I hope you like my work and give the newer one a chance. As always, thanks for giving this story a chance and I hope you enjoy this read.

[[PROLOGUE-Judgment Day]]

When the clown first awoken from his slumber, which was painted with the crimson blood of his now long dead comrades, friends, and only family he knew family. Comforted by the who voices in his head that he became good friends with. Those representatives of nature slowly nursed him back to health, Crowned Crown used 'herself' like a blanket, as mother would when cradling a distressed child and Neah like a tender but strong father who stood steady no matter what was thrown upon him, took care of his shattered mental state.

Both Neah and the Heart never expected the poor Allen to fully get over the horrors and abuse and the treasures that were taken away from him he saw and experienced at the Black Order. First was everything that happened with Mana dying and then Cross taking the broken Allen Walker under his arm. That crafty General even had the guts to send he knew was a Noah of all people to become part of the Black Order when he turned sixteen, but that was part of the intricate plan he had laid out holding the Destroyer of Time in marionette strings that Fate wielded so well.

Eventually the child made a family there, which Neah and Crowned Clown were thankful for. Even if they both were opposite and natural enemies, they had bonds and what was described as parental feelings for the albino. And that was their comprise. But as everything goes, nothing good ever stays for long and that delicate security of family was shattered when Cross who formed it, when he enlightened Allen and the Order of Neah.

It was something that made him feel ashamed to think about, letting the uncontrollable Noah instinct cloud and lock away all signs of his rationality, feelings, and judgment; hollowing him out and forcing the descent to become the very monster he hated. It was also the reason why Allen was locked away to be tortured unrighteously by the Black Order after he lashed out while trying to escape from their clutches for a second time.

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