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I feel somewhat accomplished- i actually sat myself down and planned the majority of the outline for this fic out- i may or may not produce chapters faster now. Maybe.

Anyways, thanks for the positivity, please continue to enjoy this


Rin had been given an allowance by his brother to go and get some necessities for the dorm but, on the walk home it began to rain. It rained hard. Being caught in a downpour without an umbrella while carrying a heavy paper bag did not make for a good combination. The bottom of the bag had split and now he was trying to pick up his goods from the busy sidewalk. In the rain. The demon hybrid cursed as he realized that would have to carry all of this home in his arms. Now Rin wanted to just say fuck it. He was having a good time.

True Cross City was one of the largest cities in Japan, ranking not too many places underneath Tokyo. Seeing as he only just moved into the city one week ago, he didn't really expect to run into anybody he recognized. Especially at that moment in time. But regardless, he did

"Its Rin, Right? Do you want help with that?"

He stopped cursing and snapped his head up to the owner of the familiar voice.

"Oh! It's you, Mr.No-Name-And-White-Hair," then he realized what he just said. "Shit, Im an actual idiot, I said that out loud, didn't I? Shit- Sorry I didn't mea-," Rin found his fumbled apology to be cut off.

Mr.No-Name-And-White-Hair gave him a feathery laugh and brushed it off with a wave of his gloved hand. "I suppose never told you my name when we met, I apologize for that. My name is All-err- Alphonse. Yeah it's Alphonse D. Campbell."

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Alphonse," he said out of uniformity more than anything.

A few more uniformities then some jokes were passed between the two as 'Alphonse' (all of us know you're lying about that name, Allen) helped Rin to his feet. Alphonse went on to help to pick up whatever he had dropped then accompanied the hybrid to the store to ask for another bag- this time in plastic. The immortal hadn't left Rin just quite yet because the conversation had led him to tell him a story that made him laugh for the first time in a while.

Allen couldn't help but to feel the smallest bit guilty when he had to cut it short.

He excused himself with a lie about needing to be at his house and then ducked into the nearest alleyway. He sung a song and willed the ark to bend the light around him to hide him from the visual spectrum of any normal human being. His cursed eye was edging him onto the direction of a demon and he followed. This one had a truly ugly soul so that meant it was a powerful one. Maybe it was the lead he was looking for.


Impossible odds seemed to be favoring both Rin and Allen lately.

Rin, in his typical fashion, had managed to weed his way out of his brother's watchful eye and instead of going to the roof of his dorm, he was out and about. This time it was at a nicer park with two basketball courts. One of these had somebody he recognized on them, dribbling the ball in a manner that screamed bored.

"Hey Alphonse."

"Hey Rin. Fancy seeing you here."

"Yeah, what a coincidence. I was getting away from my genius brother. How about you?"

Alphonse took a moment to think about his answer. "I guess I wanted to put aside some time for myself and try to have some fun. I've busy with.. a uhh.. housing situation that- ugh. Never mind about that. But yeah, basketball by yourself is great fun. Wanna join?"

"Sure, but I don't really know the rules, I never bothered to learn in school," he scratched the back of his neck. "That's rough though. I hope you work whatever you're going through out soon."

Alphonse smiled. "Thanks. I hope so too," the whole sentence sounded rather grave for such a cheerful person. "Anyways, don't sweat it. I don't know the rules either."

"Huh? Then why did you even bother to ask me to play with you anyways?"

"Because," he pulled a phone out of his pocket, "There is this wonderful thing called the Internet and we could always learn."

Well duh. Rin felt dumb but just nodded as he moved to look over Allen's shoulder. The demon hybrid would have let him do the search but saw Alphonse's homescreen and got an idea.

"Wait! Go back to your homescreen. You use that app too?"

Allen nodded and opened it up. "Mmhmm yeah. Why?"

"I use it too. We should totally talk sometime besides our chance encounters. Here gimme your phone and I'll type in my contacts."

Allen handed Rin the phone and watch him type in his contacts. The basketball was forgotten as they then proceeded to get distracted from there and laugh at stupid memes.


This was going to be shorter but then I got an idiotic idea.


Later that night, after he came home and dealt with Yukio and whatever other exorcist duties, he laid in bed and decided to check out Alphonse's profile.

He could tell it the moment that he looked.

His friend was also part of the most prestigious, secretive, and legendary online community for food lovers. Alphonse was in the Super Secret Not-Total-Shit Elitist Food Society.

Consider Rin's skin to be cleansed. Bills to be paid. His crops to be watered and life complete. There was somebody else who he met who appreciates food a much as he dose. So he sent Alphonse a message.

Half_N_Half: Yoyoyoyo my fellow SSNTSEFS member

It took a minute for the other to reply but miles away, an grinned immortal exorcist teenager typed this to a half demon.

Internally_Sighing_: Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.


Yep, there it is. A really dumb Omake but i couldn't help it

Their usernames? Idek but using their regular name simply wouldn't do. But yeah. I've seen so many BE and DGM fics where authors seem to forget they have a life outside cannon but?? Why not let them feel a bit normal.

Comments, thoughts, questions, votes, anything is welcome.

Anyways, I'm always a slut for any immortal who can keep up with technology and knows their memes.

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