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Ayyyyyyyy guess who decided to finally return from the grave. So this was really short compared to what I wanted it to be but oh well I guess. I rewrote this too many times because I tried to incorporate something from before I decided to rewrite this into this chapter but it all just felt too forced and so I scrapped a good two thirds of this chapter all together. It's more of a filler but it's important.

Anyways, I want to sincerely thank people who put up with the gaps between updates, still read, and those who leave comments.

Please enjoy!

It had only took holding  Rin at gunpoint, but he finally managed to get him to do his homework. To Yukio's delight, his brother managed to do the majority of it without a hitch, to his dismay and annoyance, Rin didn't leave him alone after that though, opting to grace Yukio with his annoying brotherly presence. When he asked about this, Rin had said something about the both of them being so busy between school and 'Exorcist shit' that they never had got to simply spend time together.

He had been surprised, maybe a bit guilty at first, but he agreed. So they had got some snacks and blankets and decided to watch (with Rin's insistence) a stupid looking show about a girl who broke a vase. They both sat on Yukio's bed because that was the one with the better view of the small tv they shared in their dorm.

After a while, Yukio had stopped paying attention and let his mind wonder. He had definitely noticed a small change in his brother's behavior at home- by extent in school.

Briefly, he had reminisced on the time when their father had been alive not even three months ago. They had been concerned for Rin. Mostly because he was of literal ticking time bomb son of Satan, but also because many things that influenced a regular life. The fact that he wasn't exactly good at talking to people or making friends was a big one. It pained anyone who knew him them that the he was a absolute horror with any practical life skills besides cooking.

Prior to the death of the man who they considered their father, school had been a disaster for Rin. It was a disaster after his death too, only change was that in the cram school he was motivated by the ultimate goal to kill their... biological father. So he had something going for him there. Even then, though, he did generally terrible academically. That wasn't even considering the fact he still had to do normal high school too.

Even with his happy-go-lucky-I-can-and-will-punch-the-sun attitude he had, Rin himself was aware of that too and it managed to bring him down.

However, lately Rin seemed a bit more cheerful all around. When he left the house to do whatever it was he did, he left with a spring and a purposeful step. When he was on his phone, it was usually for a call. So, Yukio came to the conclusion that Rin finally made a good friend. His best guess it was with someone from the cram classes.

Yukio even briefly considered Rin finding a special somebody, but he dismissed that idea.

That's where Yukio Okumura's internal monologue ended. He only realized that the show they had been watching together had ended because Rin was being the most wonderful brother in existence and throwing small wads of paper at him. Lovely.

Finally, he turned to look- glare- at his brother, who was cracking himself up because Rin knew exactly what he was doing. "Ah you finally responded, with how still you were I almost thought you died for a moment."

"Im so glad that if I died, your first reaction would be to hit me with paper then."

Rin sniggered. "Anyways, my favorite brother, I wanted your attention for a reason. Do you think I can have a friend over durning the weekend?"

Oh? He looked in his brother's direction, unaware that one of his eyebrows shot up. "I guess. If you do your homework tomorrow then definitely. Do I know them?"

"Probably not, he's home schooled, unless you happen know someone named Alphonse."


Based on first impressions, Yukio had mixed feelings about Rin's new friend.

To give credit where Alphonse deserved it, he didn't seen like a bad person in the slightest. He seemed like a rather usually laid back guy who was polite and smart. Rin could even learn a thing or two from this guy. Their interests seemed to go hand in hand and they got along swimmingly. It wasn't even his personality, but his appearance that set off the alarms.

He honestly should be more happy that his brother had someone who seemed like a great friend.

But, judging from the scar on his face, things were obviously not going to be that simple. Alphonse had quite the nasty spirit wound so he could obviously see demons. How had his brother managed to somehow befriend somebody who could see demons? That the Order didn't know about? There was the possibility that his 'friend' could be a spy for all he knew. And Rin didn't expect anything. Not anything at all. He wondered for a moment how this somebody got past the eyes of Mephisto.

So, as he watched the white haired kid leave their dorm, he decided he would be giving the Demon king of time a call later that night.


Yep there we go this demon chapter is written.. it's short and didn't live up to my vision but guess what fuckers I updated woop woop that's an achievement for me next one will be better and maybe stuff will happen

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