Right On His Boy Parts

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Chapter 1

To be honest I've never been here before.

I've always had to be perfect, so that meant staying out of the radar of the authorities. The Police, teachers, Principles

"Cande Bell?"

I turned and raised my hand slowly, trying to calm my racing heart
Her brown eyes slid over my form, taking me in and reluctantly I stood and walked over to the big cream colored desk
"Good Morning Mrs. Maverick,"  I say smiling brightly at the beefy woman with suspicion in her eyes

She didn't return my smile

"Mr. Maverick will see you now," she said putting an emphasis on the Principles name 
Sending her another awkward smile I headed over to the big intimidating dark brown doors

"Come in Ms. Bell"

Mr. Maverick was a colorful man maybe that's why it was so hard for students to take him seriously. Unlike his choice of wardrobe, his face wasn't nearly as friendly today

"Good Morning Mr. Maverick," I say smiling brightly

"Good Afternoon Ms. Bell" my smile dimmed losing its earlier brightness

I rushed into an explanation "Look  Mr.Mav, I know I've been missing classed, I told you I would fix this but I'm losing my apartment, and I can't afford the dorms here even if I do get enough money for dorms, I still have to pay my tuition so when Sarah asked if I could do extra shift, I jumped at the chance" I took a breath before I continuing

"So if I could just get an extension on tuition, I promise this month will be different I'm looking into apartments and I think I found the-"

"Ms.Bell I'm sorry to interrupt but we have talked about this already" 

And we have talked about this before, this would be the 5th time but its the first time that I've been called to the office "we talked about your options" he said softer than before. 

I scowled "And as I said before Mr. Maverick my parents are not! an option"

He signed tiredly this conversation always turned this way whenever my parents were mentioned. After looking at me for a few seconds he signed again and disappeared under his desk and came out with a folder

"I'm sorry Cande but this time there's nothing I can do," he said handing me the thick folder

"What is this?" I ask taking the folder but not opening it

"Letters from your professors, Cande you are a brilliant woman, with lots of potentials but If you don't pay by the end of this month I'm afraid..."

He didn't have to say it because I already knew


This was it

I knew that this probably wasn't the wisest thing I've ever done. Finding that ad was a miracle and passing up this chance would be very stupid of me, but it would be ok... Yes it would

I have my trusty taser with me, and if all else fails I still have my 8 years of self-defense training,  true I may have fallen back on my training but I'm hoping muscle memory is a real thing

So with a deep breath, I rang the door bell and waited

And waited

And waited

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and knocked again, this time the door opened but not because someone opened it from the inside

It opened by itself allowing me to take a curious peek inside "Hello?" I called announcing myself trying not to look like a creeper

I could hear male voices from the inside talking so I walked further into the apartment, which I must say looked way more than I could afford

"Logan! Where do you put the towel-" I froze

He froze

For one minute we just stared at each other, I was so shocked that I didn't realize he was moving towards me until he was right in front of me, reaching for me

I did the only thing I could think of

I screamed so loud I was sure my throat would be sore by tomorrow and took out the object I had been clutching on tightly since I opened the door

And with my trusty taser Bob, I tasered the very naked, spiky white-haired stranger, and due to my lack of height my hand was very expertly aimed for his very exposed boy parts

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