Super Cali Swagalistic Sexy Hella Dopenss

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Warning: Hi Just a heads up if you know or watch Jane the Virgin then in this chapter (to all who haven't reached Chapter Fifty-four ) there is a spoiler, if you don't want to have the show spoiled just skip this and I'll write a summary of what happened in the next chapter (Without the spoiler) 


Chapter 3

Feelings "an emotional state, or reaction" 

Feelings "a belief, especially a vague or irrational one"

Feelings Oh how I sometimes wish they didn't exist. You know the feeling you get when you know something bad is about to happen, when your heart starts beating too fast for no reason, that's the feeling I was getting right now, my spidey sense was proved right when only a minute later a giant cry left me as I watched the man crumble to the ground helplessly clutching his chest 

This morning I had this feeling, yet I chose to ignore it now I was watching a man, my dream man die, helplessly unable to stop him from hitting the ground. 

Micheal Cordero was the definition of the perfect man,  he was strong but gentle, funny and wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind, most of all he's there whenever Jane needed him. He's what I base my dream guy on, he is also the reason my relationships never work out because none of them were as perfect as Michel, which is why my usually dormant tears were leaking, falling like a waterfall, strong and never ending.

I started watching Jane the Virgin four years ago when it first started airing. I was 17 at that time, and finding out that there was a character with the same name, gets you curious and since then I've been hooked. Now here I was curled up on the comfy couch  wondering what the hell the writer was doing, killing off one of the only reasons I got hooked on this show

The last thing I hear before turning off the TV was the heart reaching scream on Jane, as she got the phone call about her husband's death

I've been hiding out in my bosses apartment ever since the "Incident" with the naked white haired guy a few days ago, and in those 5 days I've been kicked out of my crappy but still homey apartment, luckily my boss and best friend at the Crew Sarah, is letting me crash at her house until I can find new living arrangements. The downside to that is, her apartment is almost as small as mine except its fancier. I can't go back to that apartment obviously, I won't live in a house where naked men run around in and thinking back I remember seeing a camera in his right hand 

I shuddered, refusing to even think of what he was doing with it... While naked

And the name he said before, Logan, that means that there was someone else there!


I should probably c-

"Cande?" I couldn't help the high squeak that escaped me, startling me from my planning

"Jesus Sarah, make a sound next time" my heart was pounding, practically jumping out of my neon green hoodie

Sarah wasn't the supermodel best friend, but she was the very scary best friend. Her whole demeanor was dark and stiff probably why she made Crew captain in such a short time, everybody listened whenever she talked also clients rarely try to screw us over with her in the leading position

Short midnight blue hair fell sweatily over her menacing face, she wasn't tall per say, but she wasn't short either... Well not like me anyways, I was almost a head shorter than she was, her pretty hazel eyes drained of any warmth stared at me, curled up on the couch, dried tears on my cheeks and being Sarah I knew she wouldn't ask

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