"Bryan is still not waking up!" Sara cries.Judy comes over, lamp at the ready saying, "Of course he isn't, you idiot! He won't wake up until we get whatever is in his throat out!"
Elisa snorts in the middle of a laugh and says, "Judy, why does that sound like a dick joke?" Pretty much everyone laughs at that, even me. The only people who didn't laugh were Sara and Bryan, but Bryan is dying right now so there's kind of that.
Holly declares whilst grasping onto Mick's shoulder, "Sounds to me like everyone here is getting a little petty."
Grace comes over, still sipping on her lemonade (God, how much lemonade does that woman, I mean my sweet, darling girlfriend, drink?) and she points out, "Um, Holly, I hate to tell you this, but you have kind of been the Queen of petty tonight. Watch your mouth, dude." Grace's sipping deeply intensifies.
However, before there is a chance for any more pettiness, Sara screams, "Someone, please save Bryan! My boyfriend is dying and all you can do is debate who is the petty queen!"
Finally, Noddy Holder comes from behind Bryan and delivers the Heimlich maneuver. The little chunk of cake comes flying out of his mouth, and hits Mick Jagger right on his lips. (That's not such an impressive feat though, considering how big they are.) After some cheering, Noddy declares, "Um, Bryan still isn't breathing, I guess I have to do mouth to mouth."
Hannah holds Noddy down, and Sara says, "Um, no way are your lips going to touch his lips." At which point, Sara bends down and provides the mouth to mouth, which to be quite honest from everyone else's vantage point just looks like a make out session. Dang, it probably is a good thing that Noddy didn't do this.
Bryan springs back to life, and starts gasping for air, and rather quickly it seems he is fully alert. Sara and Bryan embrace, as Bryan is saved.
Lily gets up on the table and declares, "HALLELUJAH!"
Iggy laughs, "Um, Brian, what drugs did you give your girlfriend?"
Brian rolls his eyes, "Um, I didn't give her any drugs, she just, um, I, uh," great, please dint pass out from thinking too hard Brian, "She's a free spirit, what can I say."
Iggy takes a drag from a joint and says, "Oh, so that's what they call it now." He gives Brian a very evil look.
"Iggy, you and I both know if she is high it's most likely your fault," and Brian looks at Iggy quite sassily. Then, Iggy starts laughing.
Damn, Iggy, you idiot! Did you get that poor girl high?
Elisa declares, standing atop the ping pong table, "I think we've all had enough of Iggy's shenanigans. Out the window with that boy!" At which point, everyone comes over and picks up Iggy, and well, chucks him out the window.
"That takes care of Iggy!" Hannah says. "Seriously, he was just becoming an annoying bitch."
Bryan stands up with Sara and he says, "Guys, can we just throw all of the annoying people out the window?"
Glamorous Times
FanfictionWhen David Bowie, Marc Bolan, Mick Ronson, Mick Jagger, Queen, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Bryan Ferry, and Brian Eno all meet up at a party, interesting things happen. This story includes: silliness, explosive male egos, and lots of fun!