Tour pt1✈🌎

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Today is the day you leave for tour.You have to leave at 5:00 so you guys can walk around and explore a little bit before tomorrow which is when you'll meet all the fans.You take a shower with your favorite song playing "there's nothing holding me back" by Shawn mendes.Then you dry your hair and put waves in it,then you put your clothes on (shown above).

Then you put on your lotion and perfume and a few bracelets.

You decide to text Matt.

You-hey babe I'm really excited that we are leaving today I've been waiting forever.

Matt-I know lol,are you almost ready it's 4:00 and we have to be at the airport before 5:00 because that's when we are leaving for Dallas texas.

You-yea I'm ready your picking me up right?

Matt-yea I'll be there in five mins.

You-okay see you later ily

Matt-ily too

----Skipped to riding in the car----

You-are you excited babe?

Matt-yea i can't wait to see my fans.

You-i know I can't wait to meet them too.

Matt-bart said that your gonna be standing with me so they can take pictures with us.

You-thats awesome babe.

Matt- can you text Bart real quick and tell him that we are on our way.


You-hey Bart me and Matt are five mins away.

Bart-okay y/n see you when you get here.

You-yea see you later.

Matt-what did he say.

You-he said see you when you get here.


You grab Matt's hand and he looks at you and then back at the road.

You-i love you babe.

Matt-I love you too y/n

----At the airport----

Matt-hey guys.

Cameron-sup dude,hey y/n


Matt-hey where's Carter

Cameron-he's over there by the chairs.

Matt-thanks cam,hey babe you wanna see shawn?

You- YES

Matt-okay follow me

Shawn was talking to hayes

Matt- Shawn

Shawn looks over at you and Matt

Shawn- what's up guys

Matt- nothing much,here is your biggest fan.

Shawn- hey you must be y/n.

You-yea that's me,I listened to all your songs they were great.


You- welcome

You check your phone and it's currently 4:30 and it's time for you guys to get on the plane.You and Matt have the same seat.

Matt- babe our seat is over here.


---- four hours later----

Plane pilot- Attention ladies and gentlemen we are landing in Dallas Texas right now so if this is your stop you can get off now.

Matt was asleep,so you shake him a little bit.

You- babe we're here.

Matt grabs you in his arms.

Matt- are you ready for this babe.

You- i was born ready.

Matt-okay let's get off of here my foot is asleep.

You- well once you start walking it will wake up.

----At the hotel----

You-Matt let's go find our room.

You wink after you say that.

Matt-alright guys let's go find our rooms and then let's go get something to eat.

----In your hotel room----
You lay down on the bed,and Matt lays on top of you and you start kissing.

You- wait till you see me tonight.

Matt-oh great now I want night time to get here faster haha.

You- Your going to love it.

Your planning to make a move on Matt tonight and you think it's gonna go great.

Matt- babe we should find the guys and go get food

You-i'm game

You and Matt walk in to the other guys room and find them laying on the bed on their phones.

You- guys let's go eat.

They all hop up as soon as you say that.

Matt- well they must be really Hungry.

You and the magcon boys go to pizza Hut.

You and Matt order a few buffalo wings.

Matt- babe I'm glad you could come.

You- me too babe.

After all the guys finish their food you go back to your hotel because it's currently 10:00.

You- wow time flies when your having fun.

Matt- it sure does.

----Back at the hotel----

Matt- hey babe I'm ready for that surprise.

You go change into your lace bra and underwear,and Matt's button up shirt.

You walk into the room and Matt's jaw drops open.

You-Do you like it.

Matt- no

You- why not

Matt- babe I'm kidding I love it You look sexy,come here.

You walk over to Matt and you get on top of him you kiss his neck and then his lips.You feel him grow in his shorts and he grabs your ass and you moan a little bit.

Matt licks your bottom lip asking for entrance and you accept.

You start taking off your shirt and bra and Matt starts to rub your boobs and you moan.

It doesn't take him long to make you want him in you.

So you take off your underwear and let him inside.

When he's inside you moan really loud.

You- uhh babe faster.

Matt goes faster and harder.

You-babe I'm so close.

Matt- me too

Matt soon cums inside of you and you moan really loudly.

Soon you end up falling asleep in each others arms.

Alright guys I hope you enjoyed this story....maybe there is a surprise on the next part.

Matthew Espinosa and meWhere stories live. Discover now