Prom? pt 2

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Today is Friday your prom is tonight, you text Matt and ask him if he wants to hang out.

You-hey Matt do you wanna hang out today before prom?

Matt-yea sure babe

You-okay meet me in the park in 10 minutes.

Matt-okay babe

you get your clothes on you wear shorts and a blue and gray shirt,then you put on your beanie and your converse, then you leave with your skateboard

Your pov-oh crap i forgot to tell Matt to bring his skateboard.

you-Matt bring your skateboard we'll go riding.


----At the park----

you-hey babe


you-ready to go riding?


You-whats wrong?

Matt-nothing i'm just nervous about tonight


Matt-I'm just scared somethings gonna go wrong

you-nothing will go wrong

Matt-yea your right i'm sure everything will be just fine

You-i love you Matt

Matt-i love you too babe.

you-well we better get home prom is in 2 hours and i still have to take a shower

Matt-Alright i'll pick you up at 5:30.

you-okay i'll text you when i'm ready.

Matt-okay bye i love you

you-i love you too see you later.

----At your house----

you take a shower and get your dress on,then you blow dry your hair and put your makeup on.Then you watch Netflix and text Matt to tell him your ready.

You-Matt i'm ready

Matt-okay i'll be there in 5 minutes.


----At prom----

Matt-hey babe do you want something to drink

you-yea sure

Matt-red or blue punch


Matt goes and gets you red punch.

You and Matt's favorite song comes on.

Matt-do you wanna dance.

you-of course

you and Matt dance over and over again,then a Shawn Mendes song comes on,you and Matt are dancing all crazy and you guys have so much fun,sadly the dance ends and you go to Matt's house just to chill.

----At Matt's house----

you-hey Matt i had fun tonight

Matt-me too

you-i'm so tired

Matt-do you wanna lay down


you are so tired so you and Matt just lay down and fall asleep in each others arms.

Bye guys hope you enjoyed this you

Matthew Espinosa and meWhere stories live. Discover now