Decisions decisions

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Its been a whole year since you've had jayden and now he's 2 years old.You also have a job as a veterinarian.

5:00 in the morning you wake up to jayden crying

Matt-i got him babe you have work in the morning.

You-thanks babe

Matt goes into jayden's room and calms him down feeding him a bottle and putting him back to sleep.

Matt comes back in to the room

Matt- there you go babe he's asleep again.

You-thanks matt 

Matt- welcome

Matt kisses you on the lips and falls back asleep,soon you do too.


Your alarm on your phone goes off.

You look over and see matt isn't laying down anymore.

You get in the shower and your favorite song comes on "A trophy fathers son" 

You get out of the shower you slip on your work pants and shirt and nametag.Then you put your hair in a messy bun.

You head downstairs to see jayden in Matt's arms on the couch and breakfast on the table.

You- breakfast smells delicious babe

Matt- thanks it's bacon and eggs.

You eat breakfast drink your coffee and kiss and hug matt and jayden.


Matt- how was work babe??


You came in the door smiling

Matt-why are you smiling so big?

You-i got a puppy at work today

Matt- really what breed is it?

You-its a white bulldog and its a girl.

Matt- have you named it?


Matt- what's its name?


Matt- good name


You go get jayden and play with him for awhile and then feed him his bottle and change his diaper.

You soon start dinner.

Matt-hey babe what's for dinner?

You-mac and cheese,rolls,mashed potatoes,and porkchops


You-i know 

Matt gets a phone call:

Matt-hey wassup carter

Carter-nothing much man

Matt- so why'd you call me?

Carter-well 1.rude 2.we have another magcon coming up!


Carter-sorry bro I know you have y/n and jayden but-

Matt-i can't leave them she can't do this by herself.

Carter-her mom can help her out

Matt-i know but I'm the husband the dad I need to be here for my kid.

Carter-ight man I'll talk to Bart and I'll tell you what he says.

Matt- thanks man sleep well.

Carter-i will bye

Matt- bye

You- who was that babe?


You-what did he want?

Matt-hey wanted to tell me that there was another magcon.

You- are you gonna go?

Matt-well he's talking to Bart and asking him if I can stay here and help you out.

You- babe you can't miss magcon your fans will get mad.

Matt-they will get over it its my job to stay here and be a great father and husband.

You- okay babe but if you change your mind that's okay I'll get mom to help me out.

Matt sits down at the table and starts eating and you do too.

You too start talking and laughing until:

Matt-hey carter what'd Bart say?

Carter-he said you had to come


Carter-i know bro but he wants you too.

Matt-alright I will come talk to him tomorrow and explain to him why I can't go.

Carter-matt he knows and he understands,but he said if you didn't come somebody would take your place for the tour.

Matt- that's fine with me but it is just for one tour right

Carter-yea he said when another magcon comes up he'll tell the person that is taking your place to go home.

Matt-alright man see you later.

Carter-night bro


Its the week of magcon and matt didn't go

 You- babe thanks for not going

Matt-your welcome baby.

You kiss matt on the lips and you pick out a movie for you and him to watch since jayden was asleep.It was called "the maze runner"

You jump into Matt's arms when you see the Griever's and all the creppy things.then you and matt get through the whole movie and you started crying because chuck gets stabbed in the end.

Matt-whats wrong babe?

You-he died trying to save Thomas

Matt-babe its okay he's still alive in real life.

You-i know that stupid haha

Your eyes soon start getting heavy and you walk upstairs and Malibu is laying on your bed.

You-hey Malibu how's my baby,I know I'm talking to you like you can hear me but goodnight.

 you kiss Malibu on the head and jump into bed and matt comes in a little later and lies beside of you wrapping his arm around you and kissing your neck.

Matt- night babe


I hope you enjoyed this story guys tbh I don't know how many more chapters I'll do...tbh I'll probably make them have another yea ily guys!!!

Matthew Espinosa and meWhere stories live. Discover now