"Another One" pt 2

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Its December 1st now (sorry I kinda skipped ahead)you only have 5 more days till the baby comes.

Right now your at Starbucks getting you and matt a chocolate frappe!!

Matt- babe where are you??

You- Starbucks!!

Matt-hurry home!!

You- okay babe I'm on my way.

~~~matts POV~~~

Y/n was about to be mind blown me and the boys are throwing her a party!!

Matt- guys she's getting ready to come home we only live 10 minutes away from Starbucks so everybody hurry!!

You-matt I'll be there in 5 minutes!!

Matt-k babe!!


I turned the lights off and waited for y/n!!



You- babe what the heck haha

Matt-we threw a party for you and the baby!!

Carter- congratulations y/n

You-thanks carter

Carter hugs you and sits down on the couch!!

Cameron-congrats y/n

You-thanks cam!!



Matt-im coming babe hold on!!

You-shes coming!!!!


You-matt she's amazing!!

Matt-i know you did good baby girl

Matt kisses you on the head and he goes upstairs.

You-malibu come here girl!! Look you have another playmate!!

Malibu jumps on you because she gets really excited!!

You-malibu calm down girl!!

You and Malibu and grace McClellan Espinosa goes upstairs,you put grace in her crib and walk to your room where matt has already fallen asleep.

You lay down right beside matt and fall fast asleep with the biggest smile ever!!!

So sorry guys but this is the last one don't worry we still have the Hayes one and Cameron and many others...I have so many other ideas so yea thanks for reading ily guys so much!!

Matthew Espinosa and meWhere stories live. Discover now