Unexpected pt1❤

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Hey guys I'm skipping ahead to 8 and 1/2 months...IM REALLY EXCITED FOR THE BABY...anyways I hope you enjoy this story.

You-Ow Matt the baby is coming!!!

Matt-its okay baby girl I'll drive you to the hospital


Matt-ok baby I'm hurring!!

You then wake up panting,Matthew runs in to your room!

Matt- babe are you okay?

You-i had a dream that the baby came early!!

Matt-oh well it has been 8 and 1/2 months so...

You-i know it could come anytime.

Matt-hey up let's go somewhere nice.

You- like where?

Matt-wherever you want!!

You- let's go to Starbucks and then let's go to MOA.

Matt-sounds good to me.

Matt kisses you on the head

You get up and take a shower and when you get out you put on a pair of black jeans with a gray shirt some adiadas and a jean jacket.

You brush your teeth and put your hair into a messy bun and go downstairs.

Matt-you ready babe?


Matt-hold on.


Matt-i wanna take a picture for Instagram with you!!

You-okay babe

Matt takes the picture and the caption is "this woman is going to be a great mother (@your IG username).

Then your phone rings its Cameron:



You-nothing much 

Cam-whatcha doing?

You- going to Starbucks then to the moa why??

Cam-oh I just wanted to see if you and matt wanted to hang out for awhile.

You- I'll text you when we get back and you can come over.

Cam-sounds good bye.


Matt- who was that?

You- Cameron he wants to come over when we get back

Matt-oh okay let's go babe.



You-ok gonna text Cameron now babe.

Matt-okay babe I'm gonna take a shower.

You- okay

You text Cameron:

You- you can come over now.

Cam-k I'll be there in 10



You-sup cam??

Cam-sup where is matt?

You- shower why?

Cam-i need to talk to him

Then matt walks out of the bathroom.

Matt-sup cam?

Cam-hey matt can I talk to you for a minute?

Matt- sure


Cam-are you ready to be a dad??


Cam-are you sure?

Matt-yea why are you asking these questions?

Cam-because I don't want y/n hurt

Matt- don't worry dude I promised her I would never leave her you heard me at the wedding

Cam-i know I'm just worried.

Matt- it's fine bro I got this,besides she's going to be one hell of a mom.

Cam-yea to be honest he's probably gonna act like you and look like her.


----1 month later----

A/n-sorry I skipped ahead

You and Matt are laying in bed and all of a sudden you feel pain like really bad pain.


Matt- what?

You- it's coming

Matt-k hold on babe I'll take you to the hospital

----at the hospital----

Doctor-k y/n I need you to push



You push and you push 

Doc-ooo I see a head

You smile but you try to push harder

Doc-your doing great sweetie

Matt-you got this babe come on

You push and push and then finally the doctor says:

Doc-here you go sweetie!

You-wow that hurt but it was worth it.

Matt-im proud of you babe

Matt steps out to call the boys

Matt-hey guys y/n has had the baby can y'all come over?

Boys-sure man

Soon all the boys arrive and tell you congratulations

Then the doctor comes in...

Doc-Sweetie I'm afraid I have some bad news

Uh oh...

I hope you guys enjoyed sorry for the cliffhanger pt 2 is coming soon so be prepared!!!ily guys bye❤💪🔥💯

Matthew Espinosa and meWhere stories live. Discover now