2 - My First Day at Secondary School

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Charlotte's P.O.V

Today was going to be different, was my first thought of the day when I woke up to the sound of The Chris Moyles Show at 6:30am.

It was my first day of year 7 in my new secondary school, St. Edmunds, it wasn't a religious school as the name would suggest.

I struggled to get out of my warm and comfy bed as for the last six weeks I have been lounging in until around 10 or 11am and now I was woken at 6:30.

Once I was out I put on my white shirt and then my black skirt and tights.

I pulled my jumper on over my shirt and went downstairs to ask my dad to do my tie as I didn't know how.

I then grabbed a bowl of weetabix for cereal and put a spoon of sugar on top to add flavour as I don't like them plain.

After eating my breakfast and guzzling down my glass of apple juice I went back upstairs to brush my teeth and do my hair.

After I'd finished in the bathroom I grabbed my bag and blazer from my bedroom.

From my room I also grabbed a brush and a few bobbles.

I then returned to the bathroom and did my hair in a high pony tail due to my hair being quite long.

I checked the time and it was 8am.

It felt weird going so early and not calling for Louise to go to school with me.

I left and met Zoe who was going to the school too.

We both walked down to the bus not really talking about much important.

When I got to the bus stop I saw Carissa and her new friend who lives up the street from her Max.

Max and Carissa both have the same second name which is Corby.

They call themselves twins as both girls have blue eyes and chubby cheeks.

Their hair is the same length however Carissa's is blonde and Max's is brown.

We all stood and waited for the bus together, me, Max, Carissa and Zoe.

The bus took about fifteen minutes so by the time the bus arrived it was 8:15.

We had a double decker and as we were all slightly nervous we sat downstairs.

The bus drove through my village and into St. Edmunds.

When we arrived at the school the first bell went which signalled that we had to put our phones away over wise they would be taken away from us.

After the second bell went we all had to line up outside in our tutors; I was in Miss Webster's form; as we were about to go into an assembly to introduce us to the school.


Assembly was boring, all we did was talk about how we came from different schools wearing all different coloured uniforms and now we've joined to make a big community all wearing the same colour.

How exciting, can you imagine the excitement on my face during this assembly; note the sarcasm.

We were all shown to our new classes. The first class I had was English with Miss Walker.

I walked in and saw a seating plan set out on the board. I was sat next to a girl named Amelia Thompson and we were at the very back of the class. This is good as I would get to use my phone without the teacher noticing.

After an interesting lesson of texting my friend, Leanne who moved to a different school, I went to my next class which was maths with Mr Jay.

I walked in and saw a seating plan.

I was sat next to Kyle Robinson.

I knew he was popular as people from my primary talked about him and now I got to sit next to him.

Not gonna lie, I do sit and stalk his Facebook every now and again but still haven't added him but now I can.

I was excited so I sat right down.

We were sat right in front of the teachers desk so I couldn't use my phone.

In walked the hottest guy I've ever met.

He sat next to me so I realised he must be Kyle.

I can see why he was so popular.

I turned on my phone to stop myself staring.

"So, the hottest guy you've ever seen has just sat next to you hey", Kyle read from my text.

"Err yeah. You are hot and your sat next to me", I nervously replied.

"So would you like the hot guys number coz he'd like yours", he told me making my cheeks go a crimson colour.

It was the end of the lesson and he had given me his number.

Next we had drama which was after break.

I was never popular at primary so I was all alone.

I jumped a mile as someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

So, we have drama next, and I, the hottest guy ever, was wondering, would you like to work with me.

I agreed and stayed with Kyle all lunch.

After drama he invited me to table tennis with him.

Mr Bruce was watching over us.

Me and Kyle were giggling away and being generally loud.

I beat him by hitting the ball hard so it zoomed past Kyle and off the table.

I did my victory dance and waited for him to get back to the table.

Mr Bruce walked past me to leave the hall however I'm sure i think I heard him say well done.


I was now sat on the bus listening to my music. When the bus stopped near my house I got off and as soon as my foot touched the pavement, my phone buzzed.

"Hey, Kyle here, hate maths normally but you make it fun ;)" is what it read.

I replied saying "aww thx but your kinda crap at math so I did all your work. How is that fun"

I walked through my door and got changed into some everyday clothes.

I called for Louise and began to tell her all about my first day at St. Edmunds.

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