34 - Reunion

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Emily's POV:

Lottie had invited us all to her house for a reunion.

We haven't seen Louise since school.

She's now married to a man called Josh Greene.

It'll be fun seeing her again but also strange coz me and Brandon now have two children.

One called Grace Taylor who's 5 and a girl named Darcy, she's 8 months old.

Darcy has brown hair and green eyes whilst Grace Taylor has blue eyes and blonde hair.

Lottie and Kyle also have a child.

Lottie picked the name Lux after one directions stylists daughter and Kyle thought it was an original name so that's there daughters name.

Lux is so cute she has these huge blue eyes with small curls of brown.

No body knows if Louise has any children.

We're not as close as we used to be but hopefully tonight we can be


Me and Brandon were all dressed up and ready to go.

Brandon was wearing a 'crazy Mofo' tank top and black skinny jeans.

I was wearing neon shorts with red vans and a plain white top with red lips in the middle saying kiss me

We arrived at Lottie's house before Louise.

Lottie said hi to Grace and Darcy and then to me and Brandon.

3 year old Lux was around Lottie's waist.

I said hi to her and gave her a kiss lightly on her forehead.

A sudden loud knock on the door frightened Darcy and she began crying.

I picked her up to calm her down whilst Lottie answered the door.

Brandon had gone with Grace to see Kyle.

Louise walked though the door with a guy who I assumed was Josh.

She introduced us and my assumption was correct.

Josh went to see Kyle and Brandon but Louise stayed with us and the children.

We went into the front room before the food was ready and talked about our lives after school.

Since everyone was here Lottie told Kyle to put the food in the oven.

Stacey and Tom had brought their 8 year old boy James with them.

James and Grace went off and played together.


After tea we all sat listening to music and talking.

Everyone was about to go when Lottie told them they could stay the night.

We all agreed but Stacey and Tom said they would go home because they lived less then 200 yards away.

Josh seemed a nice man and he really loved Louise.


It was the morning.

We were all eating breakfast when josh came down with a gun.

Everyone froze.

I looked at Louise and she shrugged her shoulders telling us she didn't know what he was doing.

Josh dragged Louise out into the hall.

If he dares hurt my friend ill hurt him.

Louise's POV

"Your gonna help me kill everyone in this house, even the children" josh told me.

"W w why" I stuttered.

"Because I said so" he spoke angrily.

"I can't there my friends" I said truthfully.

He slapped me and told me I would do it or he would kill them and me.

I agreed but I had a plan to save my friends.

Josh handed me a gun and I stepped into the dining room.

I stepped towards Lottie with Josh following me.

Lottie's eyes were full of hurt.

"You wouldn't Louise, please were best friends".

"Your right I wouldn't" I said turning round and shooting josh but he ducked it and shot a bullet at Lux.

Luckily he missed however the second bullet hit him.

Kyle ran downstairs hearing the commotion.

He saw Lux on the floor had grabbed a tea towel to cover his wound to stop the blood pouring out.

Brandon who had also just came down was still in the hall so he grabbed the phone and rang the police.

"I bet you couldn't kill anyone with your own hands could you" I taunted.

"You bet I could" he screamed.

I punched Josh in the face and he kicked me.

I balanced myself after the kick and punched him then kicked him where it hurt.

He fell to the floor and Lottie was on hand with duck tape.

We taped his mouth, hands and feet so he couldn't hurt us.

The door went and brandon answered.

Police ran into the kitchen and carried Josh away.

"Thank you, we've been trying to catch him for years, how did you do it" the police man asked.

"I just hit him in the balls" I laughed.

Once everyone had left everyone surrounded me in hugs for saving their butts.

We rushed Lux off the hospital as he was losing lots of blood from the impact of the bullet.

It's a week after the reunion and Lottie let me live with her and Kyle.

Lux has luckily recovered but he needed more blood so as I was the same blood type as him I insisted I donated my blood to him since my ex almost killed him.

We're all happy and the best of friends again.


That's the end of that story. I have one more story that I'm halfway through but I'll edit and upload what I currently have as soon as I can.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. I know I did because it's based on real people so it's fun to figure out who was meant to be who.

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