Chapter 2 - The Victor's Tour

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People went to work and they had to work their hours no matter how late it had gotten. They were the reason for the delay and they were going to pay for it. As the crowd left the place, John carried the boy to the nearest doctor they could find and had them treat him on John’s bill. After that, he, Sylvia and Marge went back to the Victor’s Village. They knew far too well if that peacekeeper saw them again, he would take it out on the people.

“That sounded like a threat if you ask me.” Marge said after they got inside the door. She was risking punishment for coming back there with them. She wasn’t a victor. She was a worker like everybody else. She had no reason or right to even be here. “The fact that he isn’t on orders to kill me, has to mean that the President is planning something.” John then said. “Well, I thought he’d forgotten about us because he was busy with the prince and the princess.” Sylvia added. John smiled at the nicknames she had for them. The ‘star-crossed-lovers’ story was just too soft for her. John and Marge knew that well as they knew she wasn’t the softy type.

“Well, whatever plans he has for them, involves us somehow.” John then said before he turned thoughtful. “What are you thinking?” Sylvia asked as she came up next to him. “What I’m thinking is that our only thing in common with the ones from 12 is the fact that we’re victors. Next year is the Quarter Quell. It’s always bound to have an unpleasant surprise, right?” John then mumbled. Sylvia nodded weakly, as did Marge. “There’s no way to know before they tell us, isn’t there? It’s how they control us.” Marge then said. John and Sylvia nodded as John looked at the clock. “You should really get going, Marge. They probably know that you’re missing by now.” Sylvia then said. “Not to worry, I have someone covering for me.” She said. “You know that’s not safe these days. If they find out, you know what that peacekeeper will do.” John warned her. “I know, but I guess just some things are worth it. I’ll get going though. She could get in trouble as well.” Marge said as she gestured to the one covering for her and then left.

“That was an interesting start to the day…” John said. Sylvia took a deep breath. “Interesting having a gun at your face? Wow, I never thought I’d hear that.” She said sarcastically. “I’m sorry…you know I didn’t mean it like that.” John then pleaded as he walked and kissed her neck. “I know what you meant, John. I just wished that it didn’t happen, that’s all.” She said smiling. John smiled back. She looked at the clock. “Oh, well, the Victor’s Tour must’ve started. We’ll turn on the hologram screen and watch them.” Sylvia then gestured as she walked over to the living room. John followed her.

The Tour would always start with the last district and then go downwards to then end in the Capitol and then back in their own District. Being from 12, Katniss and Peeta had to start in District 11. “That’s a tough district for Katniss: she had that girl as an ally and the boy let her live because of that…” John started as he remembered his own painful memories similar to that case. Sylvia noticed as she grabbed his and leaned her head against his shoulder. They watched in silence as they heard Katniss speak of Rue and how she reminded her of her own little sister at the same age. She had volunteered for her sister and seeing Rue die, must’ve left a big impact on her. They saw the boy, Peeta, looking at her as she struggled for the words to say. And then, to everybody’s surprise, he did something that nobody had ever expected.

Sylvia gasped as she heard him say it. John’s eyes widened. “He’s giving the families one month of grain and oil, every year of their lives? Oh my…if he wanted to piss off the Capitol even further, then he’s done it alright!” She then said. The attention turned back to Katniss as she was standing there silent, almost crying at the sight of the picture of her friend in the Arena. That’s when there was the sound of a whistle. An old man in the crowd kissed his three middle fingers and held them up to her as he whistled the tone Katniss herself had used to signalize to Rue that she was safe. The rest of the crowd followed. John and Sylvia were captivated by the sight. But then, the peacekeepers burst through the crowd to get to the old man and brought him up on stage. They held a gun to his head, but the broadcast was cut short before they could see what happened.

“No need to see or hear what was going to happen there. Snow’s got to react to this: alliances across the districts? It’s too dangerous.” Sylvia said as she turned off the screen. John nodded in agreement. “To President Snow it certainly is. I wonder if what I said earlier could be right. That whatever they’re going to do to her and him is the same thing they plan on doing to us.” John then contemplated. She grabbed his hand once more and looked at him. He turned to meet her eyes. “Whatever that bastard has in store for us, we’ll get through it.” She said as she touched his face. “I know that we will.” He then kissed her. Their lips met and they just wanted to keep on going without stop. She landed on her back on the couch and he just kept on kissing her. “Are we really gonna do it here?” Sylvia asked as she got a moment to breathe before John kissed her again. He was kissing her on her neck as he replied. “Well, I don’t see us going anywhere.” He answered with a grin as he was allowed to continue.

In the middle of their ‘session’, they heard a knock on the door. “This really isn’t the best timing.” Sylvia tried to say out loud, but John’s kissing didn’t allow it. The knocking kept on going until John got up. Sylvia was almost begging him not to leave. “Just sixty seconds and we’ll pick up right where we left off.” John said as buttoned his shirt and walked to the door. “Sir, I bring you an invitation to the annual Victor’s party in four days. You and Ms. Mason are both requested to be present.” The man said. He was working at the Mayor’s Building. One could tell by his ‘fancy’ dress. “Well, we’re both quite honored.” John said as Sylvia came to the door. She grabbed the note. “Of course we’ll come. It’d be our pleasure.” She said with a sarcastic tone. The man left and John couldn’t help but laugh. “Way to get him off the doorstep.” He said as he closed the door. She was standing tightly against his body. “Well, I couldn’t wait sixty whole seconds. Shall we continue our business upstairs?” She asked with an evil smile. John nodded weakly as he kissed her on the lips. “We most definitely shall…” He answered.


Added a dedication to my good buddy @burritoyum147 for making me such an awesome cover for the story! Make sure to follow her! :)

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