Chapter 7

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"Okay everyone," James announced. "Today we are going to the mall. We must be focused on getting the things that we need and not be distracted by ANYTHING that we see. If we do, we are screwed and may spend all of our money.....which honestly isn't that much."

"But we did get an awesome deal on the house," Ian noted.

"That's true. Anyway, we focus on the mission and that is all that we will do. Any questions?" The rest of the group stared at James plainly as little Crow raised his hand.

"What is it, little buddy?" James asked him.

"Are we gonna stop by a shop to get some Duel Monsters cards?" the boy asked.

"Of course, that's part of the mission! Now let's head out."

"All right!" everyone cheered.

"Why are malls so big?" little Jack asked when he and the group entered the enormous building. The mall was definitely big in size, with stores roaming throughout the inside and outside parts of the building. People zoomed in and out of different stores, chattering among themselves.

"I think it's because people try to sell a lot of stuff," Ryan said. "So they put it all together to create a place called a mall."

"I don't think that's how a mall works," Dylan pointed out. "It's probably because big name companies want to sell things in a particular area."

"Oh....well, that too!"

"Now we have an issue," Lizzy said to the others. "Should we split up or walk around together?"

"I think walking together is a good idea so that no one gets lost," William said. "But that's just me. What do you guys think?"

"I think that'll work," James said. "We're gonna go to similar places anyway. So let's move out!" The group agreed and began to walk, trying to keep the kids beside them as they went. The reason why was because little Crow and Yusei would dash off to see the store windows while little Jack tried to get them from causing any trouble, which the rest of the group did as well. As the group walked, they ran into a familiar face in the mall. The three boys ran up to her, happy to see a friend.

"Yo, Akiza!" Lizzy exclaimed with a smile, walking to her.

"Hello, Lizzy!" she smiled. "And hello everyone!"

"What are you doing here today?" little Yusei questioned.

"I'm just here to buy a few things," Akiza answered. "I see that you're getting some stuff as well."


"It's mostly things that we need around the house," Ryan added. "And also for these guys!" As he said this, he ruffled the kids' heads. Little Jack was the only one to complain with an embarrassed blush, the other two laughed happily.

"I'm glad that you're having fun so far," Akiza smiled.

"Hey, you can join us," Keiza commented. "We're just gonna go to a few stores and probably eat lunch."

"Yeah!" James agreed. "The more people we have, the merrier we will be."

"You sure that I can join?" Akiza said.

"Of course!"

"Well then, okay! I'll join you!"

"Yay!" Aaliyah exclaimed. "Now we can look for a clothing store together!"

"Because we have no idea where we are going!" William mentioned with a bit of sarcasm. "All right!"

"Do you need help getting there?" Akiza asked, laughing a bit.

"Yes please!"

"What do we do?" Lizzy asked Ryan, waiting for some of their friends to be done in the fitting room. After walking around in a store, some of the group decided to try on clothes.

"I have no idea," he responded. "But let them take their time. They have a good sense of fashion."

"And we don't?"

"I honestly don't."

"I don't either!" little Crow exclaimed, sitting on the ground beside them. The two laughed at his comment and kept waiting for anyone to come out of the fitting room. Finally, Aaliyah came out and said,

"Lizzy, come over here!"

"Oh dear, I've been summoned," Lizzy sighed, looking at her two companions. "I'll see you in a bit." As she went into the girl's fitting room, James and little Jack came out of the guy's fitting room.

"Hey, how did it go?" Ryan said to James, who put a few clothes in a gray shopping cart.

"It went pretty good," James answered. "Most of the clothes fit so that's a good day."

"Sweet!" The two kept talking about miscellaneous things about the store for a while. Soon their kid friends started to get bored, really bored.

"What should we do?" little Crow asked. His brother shrugged and merely stared at the ground, not figuring out what to do. "I have an idea! Let's go over to the toy section in the store."

"But shouldn't we stay near the others?" little Jack mentioned.

"I want to see what's there. Besides, they won't know that we're gone. It'll only be for a few minutes."

"I don't know..."

"Well you don't have to come with me. I'll just go by myself." The boy then ran off to find what he was looking for.

"Crow, wait!" little Jack said, running after him. Unfortunately, James and Ryan didn't pay attention that the two kids left and kept talking for quite a while. A lot of minutes pass and the group gather near the fitting room where James and Ryan are at. They talk for a little while about what they found until little Yusei asked,

"Where are my brothers at?"

"That's a good question, buddy," Lizzy noted, looking around the area. The group began to do the same and discovered that the two kids weren't nearby.

"I thought you were watching them!" Aaliyah said to James and Ryan. "You were supposed to look after them."

"We were!" James answered. "But Ryan distracted me."

"What are you talking about?!" Ryan exclaimed. "You were distracting me!"

"You were distracting each other, knuckleheads!" Aaliyah yelled. The three began to argue rapidly as Ian tried to calm the three down. Lizzy face palmed and said,

"This is getting us nowhere...let's go while they're arguing." She felt a light tug on her jacket and looked down little Yusei, who covered his ears because of all the yelling. He looked like he was really worried for his brothers and wanted to help the group find them. She smiled and motioned him and everyone else to get out of the area. They soon went to find the two kids as the others were trying to get James, Ryan, and Aaliyah calm.

I hope you enjoyed the story so far! If you want, you can vote or comment to tell me how the story's going so far.

I hope you have a good day...or night! :)

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