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"come on, Layla! you're gonna miss your flight if you don't get in the car now!" i hear my mom yell from downstairs as i grab my suit case, carry on, phone, phone charger, and headphones.

I quickly walk out to the car and put my suitcase and carry on in the trunk and hop in the front seat.

incase you're wondering, I'm moving to my brother, David Dobrik's, house. He lives in LA and my mom, dad, two sisters, and brother currently live in New York. David said he has two roommates, Alex and Dom. I've watched like three of davids vlogs so I kinda know who they are.

It's going to be weird living with three boys by myself but I'll adjust. I honestly am so excited. It's been my dream to live in California and I finally get to live there!

As my mother is driving me to the airport, I get a text from David.

bubba❤️: hey Layla, let me know when you're about to land so i can get there to pick you up on time:) I can't wait to see you!

me: okay, will do;) I can't wait to see you either. I'm pulling into the airport now, I'll text ya soon:)

I smiled as I turned my phone off and hopped out of the car and grabbed my suitcase and bags and quickly gave my mom a hug and kiss and ran to where my plane was boarding.

(a/n: I've never been on a plane so sorry if I get something wrong😂)

I sat down and waited for them to call my flight. I have social anxiety so it was kinda hard for me to be around this many people. Believe or not, the New York airports are always packed.

About five to ten minutes later they called my flight and I grabbed my bags and boarded the plane. When I found my seat, I put all of my luggage above my seat in the compartment thingy and sat down with a smile on my exhausted face.

Thankfully, nobody was sitting next to me so I had all three seats to myself. I started thinking about California and what it would be like and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Excuse me ma'am, we are about to land so you need to fasten your seatbelt" I heard one of the flight attendants say kindly as she gently shook me awake.

"Oh, thank you" I said smiling, tiredly. After I put my seatbelt on I quickly texted David.

me: landing.

bubba❤️: ok, omw! (on my way)

I smiled and shut my phone down as we landed. I was so excited that as soon as we were able to get our bags I popped open the compartment and ripped my bags out of the cabinet and ran off the plane and into LAX.

this is it. I thought as I smiled to myself, slowly walking into the airport lobby.

I can't wait to see David, I haven't seen him in two years! I'm also excited to meet his roommates, they seem like nice people.

As soon as I got to the exiting area I saw David.

"DAVIDD!!!!" I yelled as I ran to him, all my bags in my hands. I dropped my bags and engulfed my brother in a hug.

"LAYLAAA!!!!" he mocked me and hugged back. "I missed you sis" he laughed as I let go of the hug and grabbed my bags.

"Can we go? I'm exhausted" I giggled and followed him to where he was parked. I never new David had a Tesla.

When we got in the car, David pulled out his vlog camera.

"Hey guys, so I just picked up my little sister from the airport! She's living with me, Alex, and Dom so you'll see a lot of her for a while" he laughed and pointed the camera at me as I smiled and waved.

"She's pretty ugly but she's cool at times" he joked and I scoffed.

"We look alike so I guess you're ugly too" I laughed while he was till vlogging me.

"Yeah but I'm a little better looking than you, Layla" he smiled and I just gave him a death stare.

"Oh yeah, I never told you guys her name. Her name is Layla" he said smiling and then turned the camera off as we pulled into his apartment complex.

Heyyooo!!! I hope people actually enjoy this, I wrote this at like one in the morning so...

Comment suggestions or stuff like that. I doubt anyone will read this but whatevs😂💓

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