02 | tresspass, bella & edward

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— trespass

— bella && edward


❝ How old are you? ❞ she asked Edward, who was hesitating at the moment. Does she know his real self? Does she know he's a myth that some other people thought was but actually is true?

❝ 17. ❞ He simply replied.

❝ How long have you been 17? ❞ And there goes the real intense scene.

❝ Awhile. ❞

And that's the only thing Bella needed to hear just to prove her theory that this guy behind her, which she happen to love, is a vampire.

❝ I know what you are. ❞

Edward tried and tried to read her mind. But he can't escape this moment, she's the one who actually wanted to talk about his being. He can't just ditch her and run as fast as he can and never go back to Forks. He have to answer her, he has no choice at all.

❝ Say it. Out loud.  ❞

She can't look back, she knew he's a cold one. She knew he was weird and different from all the students who she happen to meet. He was the only one that amuse her, and she's the only one that amuse him.

❝ A vampir— ❞

❝ Ya'll excuse me, sir ma'am! Ya'll not ditching class now are you? You should go somewhere else! This is a private property, I own this land! Ask for permission!  ❞ and the woman who said that then left.

The both of them laughed as they moved to another land which they're hoping that is not owned like this lady who appeared out of nowhere.

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