28 | home, jasper hale

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title! home
character! jasper hale

oh yaz, third update for the day
i love you guys so much you
have no idea (*''*)╯♡

and oh! this is a human!au as well as
an army! au. yayy bby jasper as human!

okaaay so, hope
you'll like this imagine!


you woke up from your bed, white sheets all wrinkled as the sunshine went through the blinds. looking at the space before you, you can't believe it's been nine months since he had left and joined the army yet again.

he always wanted to help, and he never hesitates.

staring at the space next to you was where he used to sleep before, he used to cuddle with you and tell you how much he loves you. that space right there was occupied, but now its just a plain space right there.

❝ I hope that one day I hear a knock on my door and I see you standing there; finally finding your way home ❞ you sigh, saying these words again and again since the day he had left.

pushing yourself off from the bed, you tied your hair in a bun and walked lazily through the small hallway. in which ending up in the dining and living room. both of you decided to have a small house for your own.

away from the mess of the city, and away from the chaos of the people. deciding to stay in Forks was the best decision both had ever chose, never in your life have you ever felt of intense peace and connectivity.

it just felt like any other day, but today - you felt like something special is going to happen. you can't point out what it was - but you're so ready to embrace that special time.

cooking yourself some breakfast, you remember the times where he would wake up after you. secretly coming out of nowhere and starts to pepper your neck with kisses while you cook. his arms would encircle your waist and would tell you as to how much he loves you.

the ring on your finger is one of the proof of how much he loves you.

after cooking, of course you proceeded to eat. looking around the room filled with pictures of the both of you - smiling to yourself, you remember him talking about your soon to be children and he should capture the beautiful moments in life.

a faint click of the camera can be heard from behind, looking back - you look at your date who you happen to meet through your friend edward and bella. a couple who's now getting married in less than months.

your eyebrows raised and looked at him questionly,

why did you take a photo of me?

his smile never left his face as his eyes softly met yours and walked slowly next to you. admiring the beautiful canvas as you decided to spend this first date in an art museum.

i capture beautiful things that happened in my life,

relishing the memory - you smiled to yourself and off you went to clean the dishes followed by cleaning yourself.

not too long when you went out of your bathroom, all dressed and fresh when you heard a knock on your door. sometimes bella would check you in, taking you out from time to time or just wanting to hang out together with her daughter - reneesme.

you then continue to walk towards the door, opening it.

revealing him.

Jasper Hale, or the High Ranking Soldier in Forks.

Smiling at you, on his uniform - you can't help but jump in his embrace as he met you with a kiss. It was needy, and missing. Both missed each other dearly, and they try to live with their sufferings just to see them again

❝ oh thank goodness you're home. ❞ she whispered, happy tears spilling from her eyes.

he smiled and inhaled her scent, exhaling in delight ❝ I will always come back to you; you're my home. ❞

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