Chapter 14- Let's Dance

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Chapter 14- Let’s Dance

Finally, Serronie and Zachary were next. The voice of the announcer boomed through the arena as he made the call for the last couple. Zachary stepped out in front of Serronie, stuck his hand out, she grabbed it, and he led her out on the stage. The size of the crowd was overwhelming. She squeezed his hand even tighter and faked a smile as they waved at the crowd and took their places.

Serronie stiffened her posture, craned her neck, and wrapped her arm around Zachary’s shoulder. He pushed his left leg behind him, took her left hand in his right, wrapped his left hand around her waist, and leveled his face above hers. He stared down into her big grey eyes, and she reflected his chocolate brown eyes. Through a rigid mouth Zachary asked, “You ready?” Her hands slightly trembled with nerves. Without barely moving her lips she replied, “I’m so freaking scared, all those people out there.” He smiled with his eyes and whispered, “Just look at me, I’ve got you, okay?” She batted her eyelashes in agreement. “Full throttle, okay?” she requested. “I’ve been ready for this”, he responded with a slick grin.

He’d never seen a girl look so perfect. The sun reflected perfectly off of her toasty toned skin. He was lost in her deep grey eyes as they locked with his. Not only was she lovely with her hair pulled back, but her body was perfect in the dress she wore. He fought the urge to gawk at the large amount of skin she was bearing. Serronie was the only thing in his head at that moment. Her shaking stopped and he squeezed her tighter.

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