Chapter 40 of 48- Hot and Cold

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Chapter 40- Hot and Cold

Fernando approached them a short time later. “Mommy and daddy! Richard just told me you guys were expecting, I had to come see for myself.” Then Fernando snickered and poked Serronie’s stomach. “I would get up to hug you, but it’s a bit difficult for me to stand right now” said Serronie with a broad smile on her face. “Yeah, I’d get up too, but she’s smothering me with all of her butt and pregnant boobs.” She punched him in the arm and jeered dubiously. “Yeah, I wasn’t going to say anything, but since you mentioned it, the baby weight has gone to obvious places”, expressed Fernando with a dazed expression. Zachary playfully kicked him in the leg, “Alright! Enough staring, keep it moving perv!” The guys cackled loudly. “Okay, well I’m gone, catch up with you later Zack”, voiced Fernando shaking Serronie’s hand, and fist-bumping with Zachary.

Zachary pressed his face against Serronie’s left breast, and asked, “Why did they get bigger? You’re so tiny, I thought they were only supposed to grow a little bit.” She looked down at her chest to speak to him, “They’re preparing for the baby to come so I can feed him milk. These are nothing more that milk fountains-“ she suddenly stopped talking and distorted to the side with her jaw dropping and a snigger following. Zachary’s head shot up and his face was serious. “Serronie?!” he articulated. She smirked extensively, “Linden’s kicking me right now.” He gasped, “Can I feel it?!” Once she placed his hand on the lower right region of her stomach, he felt tiny pulsations against his palm. “Creepy……….” He expressed staring off into space. “He’s been hyperactive since we’re been conversing. Linden either likes your voice, or hates it.” Zachary didn’t have much of a reaction to her comment. She kept quiet, even though his nonchalance was vexing her.

“Everyone’s matured quite a bit. I’m surprised these idiots are acting civilized even though they’re drunk” said Zachary looking around the room. “Well, I know what drunk idiots are capable of”, said Serronie without thinking. Zachary shot her a toxic look. She glanced around uncomfortably, knowing she said the wrong thing. “Get up, my legs are going to sleep from you and all of this extra”, barked Zachary scooting forward and standing, almost making Serronie stumble. Before she could say anything, he was walking away from her.

He strolled to the kitchen and snatched the refrigerator open. Zachary glanced intently, spotted a beer, opened it, and chugged it down. “Whoa man, slow down”, said Jesse placing some dishes into the sink. Zachary finished his beer and leered over to Jesse. “I deserve this darn beer” retorted Zachary. He noticed that Jesse was nearly drunk, but still in functional shape. “Hey Jesse, I didn’t mean to be a jerk-off earlier.” Jesse patted him on the shoulder, “Aww man, no offence taken, I was just concerned, that’s all. I know how everything’s been affecting you both, and I was just curious that’s all.” “Well thanks for caring man, I’m really trying, but she’s such a damn good liar. I practically believe her.”

 Jesse picked his cup up from the bar and took a gulp, and then conversed, “I always told you man, there was something about her that would leave you blinded. She’s a great girl, but she hurt you bad.” Zachary scoffed, “I hate her so much. At the same time I love her and still want to be there.” “Zack, the more you try to hold on, the more her allure is going to get to you. Her beauty and charm has you acting foolish. And I just don’t want you to get too close to her and end up losing your cool again. I don’t want you to physically hurt her or the baby.” “I’ll never do that again. She so petite and tiny, it was never my intention to harm her in any way. I just can’t explain my disposition that night, I felt an anger unlike anything I’ve ever experience. I wasn’t even that mad when I found out the truth about Amber. And as for you, I don’t know whose side you’re on most of the time Jesse. You’re trying to play “shoulder to cry on” for her, and then telling me that she’s no good.” Jesse shook his head, “I’m being nice to her because she’s pregnant and I feel sorry for her, but you’re the one I’m really concerned about.” Zachary took another beer and popped it open. “She looks so innocent, but, whew, she’s capable of some things”, said Zachary with a sneaky smile on his face, “in every way.” Jesse bumped his cup with Zachary’s beer, “I always knew you’d find out.”

Zachary had a few more beers with Jesse, and Richard, Fernando, and Henry who later joined them. Meanwhile, Serronie sat in the living room playing a game on her phone. She didn’t attempt to go find Zachary because she knew he wasn’t at the liberty to speak to her. She only stayed at the party because another pregnant girl found her was over to her to chat. Zachary was brazen toward Serronie for the next hour, basically ignoring her. Through her conversation, she noticed him by the den doorway smiling and speaking with a girl she’d never seen before. He was flirting right in her face. Her chest swelled with sorrow. Serronie quickly dismissed herself from the presence of the pregnant girl and darted to the bathroom. She stared in the mirror and cried silently. After about four minutes, she cleaned her face and exited the bathroom.

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